University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

We just went for a quick visit yesterday. Student who toured us was LSA, as my son would be, and she said it took her 45 minutes to travel from the North campus housing to the main part of campus and she hated it (north campus, not Michigan).

45 minutes…that’s a lot! Via walking or bus?

She said she had to walk/ wait for bus, ride bus, and then still walk 15 mins to class after bus and then same for way back, so she couldn’t really ever go back to her room and waiting at the bus was really cold.

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Did she bother to use the app to time the busses or look at what times they come and go. I personally have taken the busses with my son and waited no longer then 5 minutes for a 15 minute ride. Then yes, you have to walk to your classes maybe like 7 minutes or so… Maybe… I have made it from North to the stadium in less time then what she is saying… Just a FYI

So yes and no… Think of North Campus like the suburbs with good restaurants around in malls and of course cafeteria style also and Central as living in the City. Sure the city will be more exciting and Vibrant. No questions about it. North is more restful, peace and quiet. You also see Deer going to classes sometimes… Lol

If someone can tell me how I can post some pics of North. My sons walk is actually very wooded and beautiful actually.

So yes, they are vastly different feels altogether.

Northwoods 3 was supposed to be torn down and rebuilt with a large residence tower for North but then covid and they are being used for the kids that got covid…

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I’m sure it varies, that was simply her experience. My son has a medical condition that would make it hard for him to have to commute that far and not have easy-ish access to his room, so I thought it was helpful to know in thinking about where he would live.

If he has a medical conditions look into a housing exception and fill out the forms as soon as you commit. Talk to housing about it I think or the disability department…

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Thanks, that’s the plan. He’ll have to work with the disabilities office wherever he decides to attend.,-health-disability%40umich.&text=When%20you%20submit%20your%20Housing,and%20attach%20any%20requested%20documentation.

Since this might be his deciding factor probably good to know what other schools options for accommodations. Every school handles it differently…

Good Luck.

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Hello! I sent this same message in the umich deferral class of 2025, but figured I’d send it in here too. I submitted my LOCI on time, I just have a few questions on what the portal looked like for everyone else after they submitted it.

  1. After submitting your LOCI, did it show up under your “Action Items” tab until the Feb 20th deadline?
  2. Did you completely lose access to the “Verify Continued Interest” form after the Feb 20th deadline?
    Once I submitted mine, the home page on the portal kept the form under the “Action Items” tab. After submitting my essay, the form did say submitted, I just thought it was odd it kept it under the “Action Items” tab, then disappeared. I assume it was submitted, but I don’t want to take any chances. Is this what everyone else’s portals did? I did screen recorded my form with the essay on it just in case.

Here is something I found by doing a search. It lines up with what my son has told me that it was about a 20 minute commute to/from north campus last semester. The 45 minutes seems excessive, but, again, I think my kid would be ecstatic with any commute for in-person classes right now.

Another thing that I am remembering from when my son/husband were taking about pros/cons of dorms is that there are supposedly more and better options for dining (as part of meal plan, I mean) in central campus. Again, this did not necessarily pan out this year, but it was something that they talked about and considered.

Yes mine disappeared after I submitted it.

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so quick question and thanks in advance. my s was deferred, he submitted LOCI as well and he applied to LSA / OOS. As I read different posts, are there different waves of decisions coming out in feb, mar? and did any decisions came out after initial deferred wave?

Question, assuming that Michigan will be rolling out decisions in waves, in the past how do they typically handle the waves? Completely random? By major? GPA? Region you live in etc? What is the percentage admitted in this next wave?

No decision after the EA release. In normal times the release followed the Ross releases which happens last week. Many are assuming there will be one this week but only a guess. But in normal times there was one in February, March and April if I remember correctly. If you call they will tell you you will find out “by” early April… So, we wait and see.

My D was postponed on 1/29 as part of the EA release. On 2/10, she was admitted to SMTD as a BTA (arts management) student for fall 2021. From what I have gathered, SMTD follows a different schedule that the other schools within Umich. She is so excited and has been for two solid weeks! Hope this info helps someone in the future.


Yes they do… Congrats. It’s an outstanding program.

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does it come in waves?

Normally there’d be a wave of decisions the last week of February. There will NOT be a round this Friday though. Too many RD applications that still need to be reviewed.

Does anyone know if you have a better chance of getting into Michigan if you are in state? I applied for sports management and got deferred, but I have been seeing a lot of out of state people get in for SM.