University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Not sure how to quantify it. Everything at Michigan has some competition to it. Look at the link I posted that should give some insight. Michigan is a very tough school to keep a high GPA. There is a GPA requirement to stay in Honors. That is what I was alluding to.

On reddit some people are saying they talked to their AO and there might be decisions today. However, that goes against everything that the person said to me at Michigan admissions on the chat. Thoughts?

What is the reddit page they are talking about it on? I’ve looked for one but can’t find it.

Applying2College RD Michigan thread

Ok talked to admissions. NO DECISIONS TODAY! But when I asked about waves they said they aren’t releasing that information yet. They just said to keep a watchful eye on enrollment connect.

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Everyone seems to get different info depending on who they speak to at admissions so anything is possible. I was told, “Anytime between now and early April”. No definitive yes or no when asked about today.

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Yeah I just called and asked and he said “no decisions today but it is likely that there will be at least one wave before the end of March”


So possibly a wave next week on March 5th? I’m assuming those who sent in their LOCIs later than others may be waiting longer, but I guess we’ll see

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Has anyone heard any news about LSA scholarships? Shipman? Stamps?

All we heard till now was the Leadership Weekend

momofsenior1 the split campus is not a silly reason! I have a kid who lived on north as a freshman without having any classes there. It was not ideal. Luckily not an issue anymore but it’s very annoying how it’s split between central and north and more of an issue for some kids than others.

I appreciate the response! I definitely let our D take the lead on creating her college list and her personal rankings. At some point, there were so many schools to choose from that it was helpful that she drew the line somewhere, and then had pros/cons to differentiate amongst the schools that made her final cut.

UMich has been exploring the possibility of building a rapid transit system, like a monorail to better connect the campuses. But I’m sure that’s years away, if ever.

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There is an automated bus system or there was one before COVID. They have been running a lot more busses lately also. They have been doing time studies to combine a Michigan app like Uber and combine it with the bus system to decrease the time…


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The Delta terminal at DTW has one of those monorail type setups. That’s the wave of the future.

Heck, I’d dress like Mickey Mouse and greet UMich students at the Central Campus terminal, if they need me. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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That’s kinda scary… :scream:

Trap game tomorrow after blowing out Iowa…

All the kids I know /knew going to Michigan somehow made it from North to Central… Anyhow… People can always just get an apartment on central in Sophomore year or do a co-op house or rent a house. My wife rented a house and it had 10 people in it. All kinds of fun on central.

Ah come on. I could be one of those Elmo-like people harassing the Times Square crowds. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

:rofl:… Looks like it’s a slow news day…

Definitely not the same as a monorail/train! A monorail would be a game changer, especially if it were continuous. At Cornell my daughter has to take the bus to the Engineering campus and even with an app that tells you when it is arriving or where it is it’s not even accurate. Also at night time when she has discussions (like this semester), it’s not ideal to be sitting at a bus stop waiting to take a bus back. At least a continuous train would be a little more predictable. Not to mention less likely to have issues in bad weather.

@sushiritto Agree that if that was in the short term plans for UM it is probably further down the line now with the financial hit they probably took with Covid.