University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I am an alum as well, so I get excited for these kids! A great experience awaits them in Ann Arbor!


Michigan always waits until April for super qualified kids because they’re protecting yield. Same for my kid last year and he’s going to Stanford. It will work out.


Not always. Many kids with insanely high stats were accepted EA.


I will add to my post above that my S21 used his “Why Michigan” essay to show a deep understanding of U-M and its engineering program.

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Please read this from Rick Clark from Georgia Tech. It will answer all your questions. He writes some of the best admissions blogs out there.

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Sometimes Valedictorians are rejected not because of yield protection but because they are one dimensional. Like everyone said, they’re building a class. GPA is not everything AP Chem is not the same as AP Environmental Science. Some teachers at the same school are harsh graders. They know a lot about schools and the profiles. At the end of the day it’s subjective to a certain extent. I just hope that my kid ends up at a place that’s a good fit and can be happy.


I think we all need to take a deep breath and realize life will always seem unfair. As a deferred applicant, it’s very annoying to wait this long. But if I am not admitted, I have other options. And I’m sure most of you do too. Go to the best school you can and work hard. Get your dream internship. Obtain your dream job. If you work hard and stay resilient, you will become successful.


I also think that schools are looking for good people. You’ve got high stats…but what are you doing with your academic talents? How are you contributing positively to society? How will you make U-M an even better place? It’s not enough to be high stats or a great writer.

(I’m not addressing this to anyone in particular.)


If you review the CDS for Michigan, besides GPA, course rigor and test scores, what’s also important to Michigan are (not in any particular order):

  1. 1st Gen student
  2. LOR’s
  3. Essays
  4. character/personal qualities

These pieces of the admission puzzle are considered “important” to Michigan.

And then there are the other selection criteria, which are “considered,” such as demonstrated interest.


One thing we told our kids was that they would get accepted, deferred, wait listed and denied from many great universities they applied to and not to take it personally. This is exactly what happened :wink:.


Very well said :clap:

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It’s all spelled out here…

I’m not sure what is going on in this thread but I am closing it until it can be investigated further.

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I’m reopening this thread, but I’ll check in on it a little later. Let’s keep things as calm as possible everyone!


Thx Jon. Appreciate the help.

Any thoughts on when the next wave will be? Should I be concerned that I didn’t get any updates today even though I submitted the LOCI form early?

I am so happy my friend told me about this site. She said it is ok to put his stats up and ask questions. I am not one to brag about my child, but I am over the moon tonight. My son was initially postponed, as I found out he was not the only one.

He was accepted tonight with a 4.0 GPA/5.2 HPA, 31ACT, 12 AP Courses (he did not submit those scores).

The look on his face when he found out was priceless.

Now I have a million questions about visiting, living, the weather, dorm v apartment, clothing, etc.


I believe the earliest date for the next wave will be Friday 3/26 or Friday 4/2.

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