University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Congrats. Many questions are answered through this site. Michigans website has many of your answers also…

Do you know if Michigan accepts the AICE, Cambridge credits?

My son said today was just for legacies, is that true?

Beyond my pay grade… Lol. Talk to admissions about this.

This might help

Sorry, but thanks for the info.

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@srparent15 my D wrote the LOCI, she submitted her grades and she had two additional letters of recommendations sent on her behalf. She is a legacy. Hubby went to Grad school. She told me the only other person she knows that got in today was also a legacy :woman_shrugging:


If a wave includes out of state students, it won’t be just select states. The next round is expected to be in 3-4 weeks.

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Explain to me how waiting until April protects their yield. Or what they even gain by “protecting yield”.

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honestly i think waiting until april will just give them time to continue reading applications and holistically evaluate them.

Explain to me why Michigan is primarily accepting alumni right now, many who are less qualified student with lower gpa, SAT, ACT, a few AP courses but have parents and or siblings who went to Michigan. The students in our school (OOS) with far more qualifications but are not legacy are hearing nothing and still postponed Do they think those students aren’t a guarantee to come this year? Makes no sense to us. Happened on both waves . It’s definitely a turnoff to the many students who worked so hard for years and these other applicants who on years past would never be able to get accepted are being accepted this year. Losing faith in the system.


My son has also been postponed and heard nothing yesterday as well. And I’m frustrated, no doubt. I’m a planner and he worked hard to get those applications in EA to hopefully give us time to visit schools etc once we know. So that’s all blown up in our face and in “normal” years this prob isn’t an issue as we’d have already visited but because of Covid we haven’t and I worry daily about all of it. So this is just to express I’m frustrated too and I get it.

But I don’t really believe there is a “system” that can be easily defined or that can fail you. Every school has their priorities about who they want to admit and no one other than admissions know what those priorities are. Could be any number of factors, and we just don’t know what those are. GPAs are hard to compare. Test scores often were a one and done last year. I think it’s impossible to say based on a board what kid is more qualified than another.

This is the way UM does things and clearly it’s worked for them because they don’t seem to have an issue filling a class. Do they lose great kids making them wait? Probably but the kids they gain are likely just as great.

It stinks. I get it. Waiting sucks especially in this year. I do think if they thought you had no shot at admission you’d have been rejected. It’s cruel to string people along and I think honestly they just want to let those kids move on.


The last few years on here many legacy were denied with great stats. I come from a strong legacy state and saw the rejections locally as well. With more applications especially this year just think your seeing more of everything. It sucks seeing someone that you perceive to be lessor then get in. No one is being accepted that the admission committee doesn’t truly think will be successful academically there. It’s a really tough school. It’s also not the most APs win. They truly do a holistic review and yes this takes time. All they ever say is results will be in April after EA. If results are earlier in a roll out then great. Waiting is agonizing. That we all understand.


By waiting as long as possible, more students drop out of the applicant pool because they’re going to other schools. These are students who would get into Michigan but prefer an Ivy or other similar schools. Every school wants a high yield to increase their prestige.


100% agree with this. It’s a painful process to be deferred and wait and wait but it seems to me like in the end, this works for them for yield protection. The Michigan yield is much higher than the average for the Big 10 schools - 46% vs 27%.


I am late to the thread but reading this is very helpful. Thank you to all who have contributed wisdom. I have a deferred senior too and it’s agonizing! He is in at UW and UIUC but wants Michigan, we are in state.


@WSJC2C5 please don’t refer to a child with a lower gpa, score, etc as unqualified. You don’t know what the specific situation.

My D’s score were not stellar but she is ranked 6/600 at one of the best public high schools in our state. She played both golf and tennis for 4 years, she was SGA treasurer and created her own Etsy business.

Yes her testing was weak, but she sent her scores anyway. We told her not to, but she felt it was the ethical thing to do, as we live in a state that had a school day test in March and open in August. She took the SAT 5 times. Four times with a mask on which she said was brutal and distracting.

My H and I are thrilled for her as this is a dream come true and she really put her eggs in one basket.

Let’s celebrate every child for their accomplishments, not try to take each other down. I wish you all the best going forward. Remember it’s not where you go, it’s what you make of it.


Is there any way to know if an EA postponed application got “re-reviewed” and postponed again yesterday? “Decision Postponed” (for LSA) is shown in the Messages, but not sure about the exact status of the application review. Thank you.


The safe thing for us is to assume that our kids in deferral are rejected and move on with other schools where they have been admitted. If an admission happens later at Michigan, it would be a pleasant surprise. There is no reason to stress out at the point. For the kids who applied to Michigan, I am pretty sure they all have more than one options at hands by now.
I meant not to spend the energy trying to figure out the admission process which no one actually knows. :slight_smile:


You don’t get multiple postponements. From my understanding from previous years you apply EA or RD. If not accepted EA you are now actually in the RD grouping. You get the benefit of an additional review. Every applicant gets reviewed and the process was like 3 readers in the past with your Michigan AO or similar being one of them. So if your message is postponed that is great. Just means your not rejected or wait listed right? This is a positive NOT a negative at this point. They haven’t made their final decision yet is all it means. If your asking if you get reviewed on each wave I would say no. My understanding is once in EA, once in RD. After that your accepted, denied or wait listed

But… As things go longer naturally chances go down also to a point. But there are many families accepting now but there will be many that change their mind in the next 7 weeks also and go elsewhere.

So… Start reviewing your other options. Don’t wait to the last minute. Every year there are some that don’t and they come for advise. If there is an affordable option, start to investigate that. If Michigan happens and you can afford it then great.


Quick question - was there an email notification that you had an update on your portal or did people just randomly check portal? I volunteer helping kids with college apps (very hard with no in-person school) and have a couple kids that were postponed for Engineering (OOS), wrote the LOCI, and are waiting. I don’t want to get their hopes up but information is hard to come by.