University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

It should say “now in the RD grouping” not not… But I can’t get it to correct… Sorry… OK guess it took… Lol

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Not sure what you are asking… But assume kids got both… Also check your spam folders. Yes, this does happen like every year but their results should be in their portal…

It’s only March 6th. There is more time to get accepted. I would say that with any school. As stated since your helping, which is great BTW :grinning:), have them look at all their affordable options right now. Then they will be prepared to make a decision whether this one school works out for them or not.

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Everyone who wants to go to UM has worked hard for it. If you’re out of state, your odds are lower anyway. They holistically review every application, there is no quota for grades, GPA, test scores, whatever. The best students can get rejected from UM. Everyone here is tired of waiting, but it gives me reassurance that every applicant is getting a fair chance.



This is what is happening at many schools, especially schools that are doing some sort of “rolling” admissions. We’re all frustrated but most of us know this is how it works. If they were going to reject all the postponed applicants, they would have just done it by now. Part of the problem besides protecting yield is that thousands of people that were accepted in January are holding their acceptances. Many of them, like many of us who were postponed are still waiting for RD to come out from other schools. That puts them in limbo and unfortunately that puts us in limbo too. It’s a horrible process.

I do wish they would however reject students they have definitely ruled out. I have no doubt in my mind that they have plenty of applications that they will not be reviewing again. But UM rarely rejects anyone until their last wave so we all just wait.

One other thing to add. Now that UW-Madison has sent emails stating that they have a record number of apps and are not making notifications until April 3, they opened the door for other schools to do the same. While mine didn’t apply to UW they also were a mess with their EA decisions and now people are in limbo there as well. This is why that Georgia Tech blog post was so great because it is exactly what so many of these schools are going through and what the fallout for all of us is going to be. Those kids who are holding a ton of acceptances will be the ones who will have to run around on visits perhaps to then open up spots later for some of our kids who are on waitlists. I have one on the UNC waitlist and he’s also postponed here, but has a few good admits as well that we will start to visit and hope to whittle things down.


It is the time to move on for deferred applicants if they don’t have their decision at this time. Looks like competition is getting increased every year. My DD is losing the hope after being waiting for a long time after dererral in EA. UM is her first choice and she has expressed this in the LOCI and during HAIL interview. Her profile is pretty good I guess ( AO might be thinking other way !). 4.0 UW, 4.5 W, 1540 SAT, 800 on two Subject tests. 12 APs and lots of leadership positions, OOS applicant.


I know many kids including my son graduating this year that took the Act /Sat multiple times. But went to the top school in our state… His Michigan counselor told him to his face that Michigan likes students that don’t give up. That tells them a lot right there. Then add in some good grades and rigor then add in some ecs etc…

Many students also don’t have these opportunities. Many students have to go home right after school to watch a sibling or work in their family business till 11:00 pm then come home to “Start” their homework… That also shows something to admissions. So many different factors. If your a home school with a good reputation to Michigan can be a factor.

I am in the camp you celebrate everyone’s acceptance and accomplishments. I don’t question the why since I didn’t read any of their applications.

Again, Michigans not accepting unqualified applicants. Their reputation and your students success mean a lot to them and it should.


I hate to say this but the EA decisions only came out on January 29. That’s not a very long time. My son was deferred from his first choice school in December and won’t hear if he is accepted until April. It’s not the end of the world and it certainly doesn’t mean that your daughter isn’t getting into Michigan. They haven’t even had their full roll out of RD decisions. Furthermore, the wave yesterday was tiny.

You need to be encouraging for your daughter instead of a downer so that she stays positive. It also appears that most of the acceptances yesterday were for LSA. HAIL interviews have really just begun for the postponed applicants. You need to give the process a chance.


She had her HAIL interview in Decemner itself. Of couse I am staying positive and encouraging her to stay positive. But these college process making kids more stressfull as time progreses without any decision. Patience is key here that the kids don’t umderstand !

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I don’t think anyone should give up hope just yet. I think patience is key and we should keep the faith!


So you think their goal is to discourage students with high gpas and test scores from enrolling, hoping they go somewhere else?

Maybe with some people a low acceptance rate equals more prestige. Selectivity and yield aren’t part of the US News ranking systems though. The average test scores and gpa of admitted students is. If they truly were trying to use the admissions process to impact the school’s prestige, bypassing the strongest students seems like a poor strategy.


I think she said less qualified, not unqualified.

You’re right that makes no sense.

I attend a highly respected private school. I’m sure almost every one of my classmates can do well at Michigan, and I’m happy for my classmates who have been accepted and plan to attend. It’s just that, objectively, they’ve taken fewer honors classes than I and others in my postponed situation have (if any)…and I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have been high picks if somebody picked academic teams, even if they or their parents were “captains.” And, I’m hearing the same from friends at similar schools.

So, something clearly seems to be going on that is different from their choosing first for highest quality (even allowing for that quality includes intangibles that I think most of my postponed friends score well on, too).

I’m glad to stay patient, but, sort of to your point, their process and whom they’re choosing first could weigh into my decision if accepted there.


It’s almost as if they’re holding out until the last minute to see what postponed students pull out as RD schools other than Ivies start to release decisions. Vanderbilt, Duke, Georgia Tech, UC’s, Emory, USC, Northwestern and on and on all have set release dates prior to April 1. So if they can hold out a little longer than that they probably know many postponed applicants will choose some of these schools over UM and that changes a lot for them.


Not sure that makes sense at that point, as even if they get into their top choice RD wouldn’t most people wait the week to see what other choices they may have?

Not just the school but many kids apply also to NW and WashU, Vanderbilt, Cornell and so on… It does seem that if your rejected from Michigan you get into X and vice versa. Happens every year. I know several that got into Slo, Georgetown, etc and waiting on Pomona and Vandy waiting on merit to make it affordable…

Plus this is is nuts. How do the AOs compare someone with a 3.9 unweighted with 34 Act to someone without any scores but highly qualified. I personally wouldn’t want to be in that room deciding.
What they have like less then 10 minutes to review the apps…

The whole process can be improved and I surely don’t have any answers. But I also know If I am still in the hunt here, I don’t want them to Rush my application to get to the next one. Let them take all the time they need. But the reality here is few spots for multiple qualified applicants.

A college counselor that worked at the Lab School (since your in Illinois), told me 3 years ago that kids that used to go to their first choice, are now settling for their 3rd choice. She told me that just getting into college is getting harder and to have people have 2nd,3rd 4rh,5th choices that they would be happy to attend…


Hi! I was wondering if Michigan sends admissions packages once admitted. I received two letters from LSA but not an official letter of admission? What is usually sent to admitted students? Thanks!

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I just want to point out here that there are hundreds of thousands of kids, and that’s really only for just the UC schools here in CA, that are still awaiting decisions. We submitted our app in by the original UC deadline of 11/30. Waiting is not fun.

UCSB has announced a set date, but most UC’s haven’t.

Again, Michigan is NOT attempting to put together a “perfect stats” class.

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If their top choice is something like Vanderbilt which releases around March 26 or 27, and Michigan isn’t until April then why would anyone wait the extra week to see if they get into Michigan if they have a #1 in Vanderbilt? No reason to wait at that point just to suddenly have another choice if this person’s first choice all along has been Vanderbilt.

The issue is really for kids who are waiting for Ivies and other schools that are not releasing until April 6 and even Wisconsin which isn’t until April 3. That is what will interfere with it. Also for people who need financial aid how that will ultimately impact those decisions for kids who have them in April, May and later since there will not be a lot of time for kids to make decisions, visit schools, and review their financial aid offers.

Last year we were set to visit Duke, UNC, UVA, GT, and Emory over spring break. This year due to covid and trying to be extra careful we are not doing and my son didn’t apply to all of them anyway. So this year we are flying into Raleigh-Durham and spending the afternoon driving through and around UNC because he was waitlisted and then driving up to UVA where he was accepted and driving and walking around there. He already did virtual tours. He saw UM already 3 years ago so if he gets in we can go back for a day but things will 100% be rushed with every trip we take for where he’s waiting plus I work so my husband who works from home, but is not vaccinated may have to take him. So lots of concerns there. Lots of balls in the air for all of us, so I agree it would be heaven if UM just let us in or rejected us all sooner than later.


Exactly. They want a diverse class, that doesn’t mean everyone will have 36 ACT or 4.0 scores. They accept many high stats kids every year. That’s just life at Michigan and people need to accept that. They’ve also had their ups and downs this year not only in football but with covid so I think they’re also trying to figure out all of that stuff as they put they attempt to put their best class together.

@Knowsstuff Correct re the counselor. Plenty of kids end up at 2,3, or 4 choice or worse and nothing wrong with that. It could be for sports, money reasons, fit, or just because they didn’t get into that #1 school. Heck I know someone that got into Duke but didn’t get into some much lesser known program. It was so bizarre. Then there are the people who don’t get in anywhere and then get 1 phenomenal admit. It’s just how things shake out and it ultimately works out and if it doesn’t, then people can transfer. Nothing has to be permanent.


They used to, so I’m sure they will this year too!