University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Yeah it’s so frustrating when people get upset that “not everyone with a 4.0 is accepted” but that’s really how it goes. Majority of the class is probably with those great stats, but people with lower stats get accepted too.


I’ve always managed to feel woozy on :roller_coaster: :woozy_face: rollercoaster rides, and I feeling the same way now!!

What’s crazy is that in a few months … it will all be over and I’ll have to be woozy over something else

All the best to our kiddies !! Make the best of the situation, get educated on the process (I’m trying) and advocate for ourselves, while respecting the process … oh boy, I’m getting that woozy feeling again :woozy_face:


And that too at different schools with different styles of grading. Private Vs Public. Some schools have an A as 90+ and some as 95+. I have respect for AO, just getting a high GPA in high school doesn’t equal success in college.

Exactly, and they might feel that some people with high stats might even be too good for UM and that the student might likely choose an ivy school. I know if I was an admissions officer I would choose the person with lower stats who WILL choose UM over someone with the best stats and probably will choose an ivy league school.


Does anyone know if any rejections were released in yesterday’s wave?
Did all colleges at UMich release decisions? Or was it mostly LSA, Engineering, and Nursing?
Anyone get into Kinesiology yesterday? did they release.

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This made me laugh! You are absolutely right. Come May, we will all be fixated on the next issue with our kids. I actually see it now on one of my kids college parent pages from the ED admits. The parents are all fixated on which dorm their kid should live in, but not realizing they have no choice as it’s completely random. Then we become fixated on buying the sh*t for the dorm, and when move in is, and plans to drive/fly and rush and LOR’s for girls going through that wonderful experience, and so on. It never ends!

As @skkm0906 I think it was her, I’m a total planner too and I hate the waiting. My son however, is totally chill. I guess maybe part of it is also that for the last year we haven’t been able to plan anything thanks to covid and now we may finally have something to look forward to!

My son applied EA and was postponed. He had a strong application - high GPA/EC/Sports and internship - but no test scores. After prepping for months his March SAT test was cancelled the night before and then every date afterwards canceled up through last Fall.

So while they can say scores are optional, for those of us who could not get one test date it does not feel like a level playing field to be competing against applicants who have an important piece of information that we can’t provide. There is no way to know how % of acceptance compares between those without scores vs. those with - I have seen a few on CC that say they were accepted without - but it certainly adds to the sting of the bad news.

I am not the only one that sees it this way. U of Washington did not look at test scores at all in their first pass of application reviews:

“The UW is technically test-optional. However, test-optional can mean different things at different schools. At the UW, you will not be disadvantaged for sending low scores or for not sending scores. In fact, when reading your application, the reviewers will not see your test scores, if provided. However, test scores that fall above our middle 50% may be considered for a handful of students prior to waitlist invitations being sent. For the vast majority of applicants, test scores will not be a factor in any way.”

I applaud UW for taking a fair stand on testing however my son in is love with UM. So we will just keep waiting and hoping that they are able to see his strengths without a test score.

The test availability was just one more hit in this unprecedented Covid application year. I wish every single one of these kids could be admitted to their dream school. It seems only fair after surviving what will go down as the worst senior year in history that they should get some good news at the end of it.


I have to add to this since then it’s applying to internships (get ready if you think this experience is messed up), then to jobs… It’s never ending… Then it’s to kid moving out and starting all over again… Lol

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And that is Life! Happiness and Health… most important things in life!! Success is what makes you happy. I tell my kid, define your own success. And never let success get into your head or let failure deter you. The ups and downs of life make it exciting.

I think what your saying is interesting. I would be rooting for the hard working kid that didn’t have many life privileges… Oh. That was me… Lol… Others might want the perfect specimen of a human being… Lol… There has to be something when reviewing these applications that makes the committee go Yes… To an applicant. Also it’s what the college NEEDS in that particular year for any school. That is hard to predict. Many internationals didn’t come over last year. It will be interesting if no Visa issues if they select the same percentages as usual or if they up that to compensate…? So many, many factors including an overabundance of qualified applicants.

That at least I’ve been through 3x. That’s a lot less stressful and anxiety ridden than this because that’s all on my kids and not on me and I don’t have to plan anything for that. Both my girls got internships for this summer and other than sending one of my daughters her passport to renew, I didn’t have to do anything other than review the terms of their employment contracts. That is the best! :slight_smile:

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One of my close friends got into CoE this morning!! She has really good stats and overall an amazing application.


Did she just receive the application update this morning?

Yes, I believe she got an email this morning.

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Well, not sure if score optional is the issue-- mine has 4.0 UW, 10 APs (all 4s and 5s), tons of leadership, ECs, etc. and 35 ACT, and still ‘postponed’…so who knows why.


To give the other side of the story, I have a high achieving child who has a 36 ACT across the board, one attempt, and he also applied to UW and to 2 UC schools that will not look at his score. So, it’s also a rough year to be a kid holding the 36 that schools won’t look at. He also had his Subject tests cancelled 6 times and couldn’t take them. UC schools are still looking at those, but won’t look at his ACT. So, he’s at a disadvantage. This has been a really rough year for all applicants for various reasons.


Congrats! For everyone else’s edification, the emails can come many hours after the portal updates.

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My son was admitted to LSA yesterday without test scores. We are OOS and I was convinced he wouldn’t get in to Michigan without test scores, but i believe his essays were strong and showed qualities that Michigan is looking for. He also attends a high ranked high school known to Michigan, has good EC’s, high GPA and 10 AP’s. His father is a Michigan grad school alum so maybe that helped?
Michigan is his first choice (he was denied at his other top choice) and we are all very happy. I give the admissions office credit for dealing with a record number of applications (like many other schools) and for reviewing my son’s application holistically.


Also i meant to say good luck to your son and others waiting! I do believe there is some hope for those without test scores. The testing situation was ripe with so much uncertainty and inequities this year.

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I hate to be the one to offer potentially some bad news for some of you, but it’s not uncommon for UMich applicants to have been deferred EA, wait thru a couple waves and then be waitlisted. There will probably be a big chunk of waitlist decisions in the final wave or waves.

Sorry to mention it, but UMich will typically offer the waitlist to 10,000-12,000 applicants. IIRC, about 50% take the offered spot, in a typical year. And about 100 get off the waitlist, from my memory.