University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I think most people know this is a possibility (or denial) at this stage. It’s useful to know that hardly anyone gets off the waitlist though.

UMich must manage their waves and yield well. :wink:

Yes, well, I’m looking at it from the perspective of applicants. Michigan is going to do whatever they do.

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Yes, I remember seeing the waitlist stats when my son was waitlisted last year and thinking, “well, that’s that,” but then, to our surprise, he got in. I think last year more people got in off waitlist than typical, but he had already prepared himself and accepted that Michigan wasn’t in the cards for him, and he was ready to accept another offer, which is wise for anybody waitlisted. However, I think those who remain deferred still have a much higher chance to get in than those ultimately waitlisted. It’s not over just yet, but it is discouraging hearing that others are getting in while you/your kid are still in limbo.

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Hi! When are the next possible waves? And could it be every Friday until end of march. As a postponed applicant from early decision I am getting very anxious and stressed as is everybody I guess.


The belief here is that Friday 3/26 is the earliest date for the next wave or possibly Friday 4/2.

UMich never had a release on every Friday in any month to my knowledge.

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thank you so much. Do you think there will be acceptances, maybe it is cc that is really psyching me out because someone had said like the later your decision is the more likely it is a rejection.

Spring 2020 was atypical with admissions at many institutions because of the emergence of coronavirus. With the realization that international students likely wouldn’t be able to come and OOS students may be reluctant to travel, schools started to pull off their waitlists in late spring much more than they normally would. I’m glad it worked out for your son!

I completely agree with the sentiment that applicants who have been deferred, or who are later waitlisted, should remain positive. Both my child and another student from his school were admitted last year off of the waitlist (after having been deferred from EA). While history shows that UMich usually takes only a small percentage of students off of the waitlist during “normal” years, last year was not a normal year, and neither is this year. Covid has prevented students from visiting schools, and that seems to have caused high achieving students to apply to more schools than average. I think that will cause schools to waitlist more students and to admit more students from the waitlist than in a “normal” year. So, don’t lose hope, even if you are waitlisted.


Kids applied to A LOT more schools this year, my son applied to 16 and has friends who applied to over 20. Many are still waiting for the schools that notify late March and Ivy day, I’m sure many will be giving up their Michigan EA then if it is not their first choice.


Wait list was exceptionally early last year. Never seen it that early before. Time will tell this year

Ha… The last five years have notice increasing amount of colleges applied to. Hunting for merit. Even the ones I know holding off for Ivy day etc it’s not that they will drop Michigan. If they get a much better affordable option then they will drop Michigan. Especially now with many families hurting due to the virus economical impact… Being able to afford your options is playing a big part of the decision. This is one reason you will see families hold out.


If waitlisted and ultimately accepted, how long would you have in between when you are accepted and when you have to commit (May 1st)? Or I guess how long after being waitlisted would people be taken off the waitlist?

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I know people who got off the waitlist in June. Don’t count on getting off, though, bc numbers getting in off the waitlist are very small.

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I get that it’s very unlikely, but for people who got off in June, did they just not commit to any other school in the hopes of getting off the waitlist? Most of the decision deadlines are May 1.

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From what I understand, you have to commit to another school and move forward like you are attending. You would forfeit your deposit there if you get off the waitlist at your priority school.

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Got it. Thanks.

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Correct. The people I knew put deposits down at other schools and were planning to attend those schools and forfeited their deposits when getting admitted to Michigan in June.

Many got off the wait list really early last year. This year will be interesting to say the least.

But if May 1st is whatever schools admit day then you have to pay your deposit. If you get off the wait list you forfeit that amount. Think of it as a charity contribution. You could always ask for a refund… I guess…

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I was admitted to LSA Friday. 3.9W/34. Hoping to hear good news from Ross.

Should being admitted in these earlier rounds increase chances for Ross?