University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Do we assume that the deferrals who might be accepted are mostly the tippy top Ivy applicants? What about kids with solid stats but haven’t solved world hunger or have patents? At this point, has their chance diminished?

My teen has moved on, but I still want UMich to be an option since we haven’t visited top choice schools yet.

OOS, 4.5 GPA, 35ACT, National Merit Finalist, NHS, 10+ APs, 2 sports, summer research, tutoring, leadership position in volunteering, interesting world view experiences. I know there are tons of kids with similar “standard strong” stats and they all start to look the same.


lol “standard strong stats”


In all seriousness, I think Michigan is more of an essays & demonstrated interest school. Communicate with AO, show that you did your research etc

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I think I read that somewhere! All the kids who apply to tippy top schools but don’t make the cut. They’re still “standard strong” candidates, just not Harvard material. :sweat_smile:

I think my teen filled out the LOCI, but that’s about it.

PS: I wasn’t privy to any of the essays, so that remains a big mystery! But they got into several Honors programs and got generous merit $, so it must be at least half decent.

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Got you. Yes. I see what you’re saying. I don’t fall into that upper echelon numbers wise, about a 3.6 UW and 34 + OOS. I was told going in that Michigan really just requires you to play the game: make friends with the AO early on and keep in touch, as well as write essays that are more than just a “fill in the blank.”

I should add I had a few generations of legacy and unique work experience but nothing else out of the ordinary as far as ECs go.

Strategy seems to have worked thus far, hoping for good news from Ross.

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As was mine (D18) and two other T20’s. Yet, she was admitted Michigan EA, as I mentioned.

Stats simply aren’t everything. Also, there are many “high stat” applicants who are admitted. Some are, some aren’t. Personally, once I think once you hit X level, in terms of stats, then it’s all about the other things in your app.

We can agree to disagree. We both have our own narratives and don’t want to derail the thread for others.


Well I am not going to disagree with you but it doesn’t apply to everyone. Not sure if it’s a game but yes Michigan wants to know you want to be here. I know @sushiritto daughter didn’t do this but my son and multiple people I have helped and got accepted EA all… Wrote a LOI, Letter of Interest. This is not a loci after the fact . This is done before December, maybe after they visited your school or had a zoom presentation. Also asking a question prior to January like… “can you recommend any students I might be able to talk with about X major”. All of them interviewed with a professor or set up a meeting and used it in their essay… "While researching the university I spoke with Professor X and learned Y. These students did it at just about every school they were really interested in. So now that’s 2 soft touches. If they were not excepted their Loci would of been their 3rd touch to the AO not their first one. See the difference? Then add in legacy. All but my son have no legacy. All OOS and all from Illinois and top 5 schools in our state. Most with 33/34 Act or Sat equivalent. 3.8-4.0 Unweighted. Normal APs. All visited the school junior year.
All leadership to a point and all essays were unique, personal and interesting. To me the essay “Can” count if the above is applied.

Northwestern, Wash U and many others are no different. If you were the school weren’t you want the kid that showed interest?


Were the admits for Friday all legacies? That’s what my D said, just curious.

Also does the honors letter go out to everyone? Is it worth doing or will it add more stress?

Based on the Friday admits who posted here, a majority appear to be legacies, but CC is a very small portion of the overall applicant and admit pool, so we can’t draw any definitive conclusions just from this thread.

The LSA honors letter goes to all LSA admits. My son is going to prepare the essays for LSA honors, but will make a full decision after the next Ross wave. The website says that it is possible to do LSA honors and Ross, but it is effectively a dual degree and extremely difficult. If he somehow gets into Ross he won’t submit the LSA honors application.


Do you know if she can switch to school if kinesiology if she doesn’t get into Ross. I know I can check with admissions but if someone has info here great.

Reach out to students in the honors college and look it up on the Michigan website. See if it’s something your interested in. Yes, it’s more work. Only you can decide if it’s worth it.

Looks too intense for her. Just wondering if it’s standard. I am swamped during the day and she is in the middle of tennis season, so we are both home to late to call

My son, out of state, admitted LAS Friday he was deferred from early application. 4.5uw GPA from prestigious private, several APs, no scores, very strong national extra curriculum, summers at UM camp x3, hooks minority and ec. Now waiting on Ivies.


I don’t know how difficult it would be to transfer into Kinesiology.

With the sports management major, everyone who wants to be an agent or a GM tries to get into this school, which has plenty of potential future clients (like your daughter!). Also, since Kinesiology is a smaller school, it might be relatively difficult. OTOH, I saw fliers everywhere on campus promoting transfers into Kinesiology; this was the ND-UM football weekend in October 2019 (which was rainy and the last good game I saw at the Big House).

Hey! I was at that game too! Raining is an understatement. Deluge is more like it. I’ve never worn a hefty type bag over me. And I still got drenched.

Kinesiology has small classes maybe 160-175 freshman spots. And many go to recruited athletes. I assume some students leave the kinesiology program and UMich needs to backfill spots with transfers. You just never know how many.

She was at that game, up from Florida. The cold rain didn’t bother her.

I hope they get to see some games, great or not. Just see games.

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Yeah, it was worth the soaking. Too bad we have to wait 12 years for the next game unless we play them in the playoff (ha!).

I have seen some very bad games at the Big House. Brady Hoke? Rich Rod? Ugh. I was also at the infamous Miami-UM game where UM was ahead by 16 with 6 minutes to go and still lost.

Being a UM fan is like being a Nationals fan - lots of heartbreak. At least the Nats won in 2019 - we were watching Corbin get shellacked while getting soaked at the ND game. We never thought the Nats would beat the trashcan beaters, but they did! So anything can happen - I did get to experience the 1989 basketball championship, which was also completely unexpected.

Question - since UMich is “test flexible,” was anyone actually able to submit PSAT or Pre-ACT scores? I wanted to submit my PSAT score, but under “report new test scores” there has never been the option to do so and I never received an email saying how to self-report. Any info would be appreciated!

Do you know how many transfer applicants usually get into Kinesiology? Just preparing myself if I don’t get in this year and want to try to transfer after freshman year :slight_smile: