University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

My son submitted his PSAT to his AO because there was not a place to upload/add to his application that we could find. The AO made sure the score was linked to his file. He was admitted EA in January to LSA.


When D18 and I visited Ann Arbor for an admitted student day Friday, March 9, 2018, we arrived in the evening and there was snow on the ground with snow falling.

Today, March 10, 2021, it’s sunny and 70 degrees.


Do transfer courses transfer credit for credit to U-M?

Consider the example below:
SOC 100: Principles of Sociology taken @ WCC for 3 credits
transfers as
SOC 100: Intro to Sociology @ U-M per link.

However, SOC 100 @ U-M is worth 4 credits. Does U-M value this course as 3 or 4 credits toward the degree @ U-M?

Lol… There are more housing being built and there was supposed to be a new central campus dorm and they were supposed to knock down Northwoods 3 and put up a new residential high rise… Then covid and Northwoods 3 is being used to house covid kids. Not sure if they will be regular dorms again this fall?

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Send them your transcripts and they will help.

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Hey, guys I just had a quick question. Did anyone here participate in the Ross All-Access Weekend Program? It was a program that you had to apply to and the program was sort of like a fly-in program. Do you think participating in this program would increase the chance of getting accepted into Ross or does it make no difference?

I participated it in it and talked about it in my supplemental essays! I got deferred, but I talked a little bit more about it in my LOCI.

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Thank you so much. Hopefully, we both get in :crossed_fingers:


Congrats. What do you think that was?

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Don’t know if this was posted here already but might answer some questions and my man Rick Clark at GT has an opinion. So… Delays in acceptance, wait list etc is not just happening here…


Probably my essays and ECs carried

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By the way, for those unaware Financial Aid came out for people who got in last week. I’m OOS and somehow got $14000 a year, I don’t know how, I’m not that impressive ;).


Is that 14,000 a year in merit $?


Yeah, I seriously don’t know how… when I got in, I thought I barely got in so there was no way I’d get Aid.


Did you get an email about it? I’m not seeing anything

Merit Scholarship or Financial aid?

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Thanks! Merit Scholarship. I got an email saying there was an update to my portal. It was so confusing and took me an hour to find it.


Does UM post anymore financial aid decisions after the first update? Got mine this morning, just $5500 in useless unsubsidized loans. I asked one of my friends, and their original decision was updated a bit later on with more financial aid.

I’m not sure! I think it sometimes depends how many people decline their offer… like the money that was for those people no longer considering UM, would then be given to others who might/will go to UM. So hopefully that’ll happen with you!

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It’s all based on your personal financial situation but… They do make mistakes. So if something seems way off contact them with supporting information