University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Yeah, I guess it’s not entirely off the ball based on my families EFC… although I dislike the FAFSA and CSS because neither are a good measure of what a family will actually put forward towards college. In my instance, I will be paying for the bulk of my college, so it’s either student loans or scholarships. Oh well, could be worse. At least I’m paying in-state tuition

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Any chance there will be a wave today? People on reddit are saying so but i dont trust them lol

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I don’t know if there will be a wave today, but it is NOT a Ross notification day (2/19, 3/19, 4/16):

fingers crossed there is a wave today!! even though I feel like there will not be one lol :slight_smile:


@sushiritto is there ANY chance for a wave today?

I hope so, but getting discouraged there seems to be little talk of students still waiting from EA

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Not directed to me but no. Look at 19th- 26th to First week in April.

There are plenty of students waiting from EA, myself included. Don’t give up just yet!


Unless you’re waiting on SMTD, Stamps or Taubman, which have their own separate releases, I don’t believe there will be a release today. I think 3/26 would be the earliest date for the next wave. But, there’s always a chance for today.

me as well :slight_smile:

thank you for the positivity!!!

OOS, LSA, triple legacy- no test scores, 3.9 GPA, deferred and still waiting to hear…hoping for some news soon to be able to be excited or move on!


No change in portal here today. Anyone get a decision today?

Not me

Is anyone still waiting for a decision that was deferred?

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Most people who were deferred are still waiting I think


I’m sure a big chunk of the 50,000+ EA apps that were deferred are still waiting for a decision.


That many students were deferred?

No, 50,000+ is how many applied EA.