University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

No one listens to me here anyway. Just like at home. :grinning:


Don’t request a triple with three designated people, that is how my sophomore son got Fletcher as a freshman. While it was not a great dorm, he made great friends!

Just wondering… if a student doesn’t receive a decision tomorrow, are they more likely to be rejected/waitlisted in a later wave? Or does that rule not apply as much to this crazy year?

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Hey everyone, I was told that decisions will be announced tomorrow. But I’m not offering any guarantees. :grimacing:


Do you know if this will be another mini wave or the big wave? So anxious!!


If you read what I stated above there should be (see how careful we are) a release tomorrow and finish up the next week. Set those phones to vibrate. This is a strange year but have to just assume you will see both acceptances, denials and wait lists.

If it was up to us we would accept you just for showing your interest here :wink:.

Good Luck.


I’m not going to say everyone will receive a decision, but this wave is the BIG ONE. Virtually everyone should get a decision tomorrow.


Oops, International students will probably wait a bit longer. Tomorrow, I believe, is US citizens only. Why? I dunno.


How do u know?

Thank you!!

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As I stated way back, SMTD, Stamps, Taubman operate on their own timelines.

Hopefully, this won’t turn into the UC Berkeley thread. :laughing:

Everyone receiving a decision tomorrow should get a decision at the same time.

No conspiracies theories about states, source codes, majors, dates applied, LOCI’s, yada, yada, yada.

Emails will follow, but they’ll likely hit inboxes at varying points. My D got her email 10 hours after acceptance in the portal.


3 PM like always?

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I’m NERVOUS & EXCITED. Good luck everyone!


The source didn’t give me that info, but that’s what I’d guess. 3 PM EST. But please don’t kill me if I’m wrong.

I don’t know if there will be another wave, maybe a few straggler decisions like always, but this wave will have acceptances, waitlisted and rejections. And typically it’s mostly the latter two.

But maybe not here on CC since most members/posters (and parents) here are high achievers. Me being the exception.


My son just received an email from Recruiting of University of Michigan Marching Band. Is this a good sign as he was postponed from Early Action?


I got that email too! It came last night for me. Was it about auditions? I am not sure if it means anything, but I am keeping my fingers crossed for the both of us! I really hope everyone here gets good news :slight_smile:

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Yes it was last night and about auditions.

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It doesn’t suck… Fun fact about 1/3 of the band are engineering students.


So basically there are definitely some coming out tomorrow and some coming out the next Friday but we are not sure how many are coming out in each wave?

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Big wave tomorrow probably most decisions. Then MAYBE some stragglers after.