University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Northwoods 3… Not North Campus on North Campus… Lol…

is there a higher chance to be accepted after deferred in the regular pool?

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So, the big question for all postponed and regular decision students is…is it tomorrow at 3pm or next Friday at 3pm! If you had to make an educated guess what are you thinking? I know I can speak for most on this chat that @sushiritto @Knowsstuff @danloeb have been a tremendous source of guidance and knowledge on all things Michigan ! Much appreciated by all! Thoughts?


I am correcting this… My bad…

Well are we actually 100% sure it’ll be on a Friday?

thanks @sushiritto - again, a fountain of knowledge and facts… For some reason, I was lead to believe that “half of freshman (roughly) live on North Campus”, which might come as solace or soften the blow if you’re son/daughter was assigned to live there (ie flip of a coin 50/50). Maybe they tell that to kids to make them feel better? This tells me that a smaller minority of freshmen live there…which might also explain the bad wrap it gets.

Question: Is the M-Housing process TRULY random?
My fear is that the M-Housing office somehow might evaluate a housing application (say a request for a roommate, or a standard double, etc), and then look to see that their school or major (Art, Architecture, Engineering) is largely on North Campus, and decide accordingly… I suspect they don’t, otherwise all those students would not be integrated into student life.

My D was fixated on this topic for about 2 weeks, and I finally left her with the idea that the consolation (if placed on North Campus) will be that she rolls out of bed for (most) classes at Stamps, rather than get up early to shuttle up there anyway. I think she was OK with that…

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My engineering son was place on central campus and he was in one of the last orientation groups in the summer. Lots of kids in West Quad were kids that could of been easily placed on North so yes, think it’s random.

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I did a Univerity of Michigan School of Kinesiology Prospective Student Virtual Information Session and she said it could be this Friday but it did not seem definitive.

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FYI… Once kids are on North it just isn’t that horrible. My son lived there his last 3 years. Deers on your way to class. His path to classes is actually beautiful and passes a lake and looks like a nature walk. It’s very laid back and quiet and chill. They increased the rotation of busses and in normal times you do meet kids on busses, waiting for a bus etc…Central is more exciting and busy. Like suburbs vs city life I guess…after first year you can live where you want to in apartments etc.

If you just have to be on central… Join a llc or do this

They are all over the place on central… Truth is walking distance to the Diag and Ross Business school as an example… Some are dorm like and some are houses…

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Yes! I tried to sell the co-op housing idea… I lived in a co-op for 2 years at college and it was a FANTASTIC experience (mind you smaller school). She’s weighing that, versus trying to have the “typical” freshmen dorm experience. Is anything typical anymore?

She’s having trouble balancing her wants/needs and knowns/unknowns (shocker!)… I said at some point you have to roll the dice and deal with the unknowns as that is a large percentage of life

Got my ross flag in an envelope today, still waiting for the box though.


i’m sure someone has asked this already, but do people think there will be another wave tomorrow?

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At a small lac my daughter loved her vegetarian coop house.

At Michigan they are less expensive then dorms but go fast. Plus the start and end with the school year no 1 year lease. My sons on North with one and they have a chef… Each one has its own personality. Lots by KerryTown… Fun farmers market there and Zingermans.

Some are known for parties etc so do a deep dive but it’s a great alternative that many don’t know about.

But if me first year… Probably want to do a dorm. You can sometimes get a co-op after finding out about your dorm situation… There is a lot of movement in August time frame with them but I would email them now to just find out about them.


So I was on campus yesterday waving and no one noticed or cared :wave::roll_eyes:.

Some people looked at me strangely though :eyes:.

It’s only a guess… but I do think tomorrow there will be one and maybe finish up next Friday with the rest… But you know it’s either this week or next or both so we are down to those options…

Set your phone to vibrate and cc to notify you and around 3:00pm see if your phones going crazy. If not… Then next week…


You know one thing I forgot to mention is that there are roughly 300 freshman recruited athletes plus X number of freshman honors students that are placed on Central Campus. So, if you want to guarantee Central Campus Housing as a freshman, then be in one of those groups. :laughing:

I believe the dorm assignments are random, based on your preferred room choice(s). My D met someone on FB and asked to room with her and they were placed in West Quad.

Has any LSA admit received any merit scholarship other than the Shipman? Just wondering if the decisions are all out (asking about pure merit, not anything that considers need).

My daughter who is now a senior, was in Oxford freshman year and ended up really liking it. Still walking distance to everything , so that was a big plus. They also had a large kitchen on the first floor which came in handy. I think it used to be graduate housing. It was a tight knit community.

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100% that some will hear on Friday. 100% that some will not.


Depending on how you look at it, there’s some validity to that 50/50 number. As @sushiritto said, some central campus spaces are reserved for athletes, honors, and the other learning and theme communities. If a student is NOT part of any of those groups, then it actually is about a 50/50 split between central/hill and north campuses.

They used to say that applying with a roommate and requesting a double increases your chances of being placed on north campus. That was due to the proportion of open doubles there going into the assignment process. Applying “blind” and by yourself gives them more flexibility to place you in your preferred neighborhood.

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