University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

It’s random. My son got in off waitlist last year, so I thought, great, he’s going to get the worst dorm because I thought it was like UT where it is based on when you fill out a housing application (and you do it before you even get into the school). He is an engineering major and he was assigned South Quad, which is in central campus. If they gave all engineering majors, north campus, he definitely would have gotten north campus. Some of his friends who were NOT engineering majors got north campus, so I do believe it really is random. And, incidentally, some of his friends who were in North campus ended up liking it and having a better experience than some of the central campus kids, so you never know how things will shake out. Don’t worry about things you cannot control. I know that is easy to say and harder to do.


Why mostly the latter two?

For a few reasons.

  1. If this is indeed the last wave, then I wouldn’t expect the majority of decisions to be acceptances, since in the past, roughly 50% of all acceptances have been released in the EA release/wave. Plus there’s already been one RD wave on 3/5. So, logically, the bulk of what’s leftover to be decided upon can’t be acceptances.

  2. A couple years ago, pre-Covid, here on CC, I tallied the responses. About 80% of the last wave were waitlisted and rejections. While CC is a small sample size, CC members (and parents) as a group are high achievers. So, I’d expect the decisIons posts on this site to be more positive than the “general population” of responses.

  3. I was told that this final wave will not consist of many acceptances as a % of the total remaining decisions, which I took to mean that yield is better than expected. But that’s (yield) my own opinion.

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I am so confused by how Michigan is doing this. How exactly do the waves work? How many are there? Do we know when they are going to be released? Do people get an email right before? Does in-state hear first? Also, they contradict themselves a lot on their website… some places it says you will hear by mid-April and some are early April like ???
xoxo, an impatient applicant


so when you say Stamps operate on their own timelines… does that mean no decision for my daughter tomorrow.

If Michigan waitlists an applicant, are they still considered for preferred admission to Ross or is that not possible?

we are awaiting Stamps as well. I was told this year it will be a little later on the scholarship notifications (for Stamps specifically)…record applications, lots of portfolios to re-evaluate. I was given “early April” as the timeline for those decisions

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100% this!

I have a bad feeling about my son, but we knew this was a tad on the reach side. Kids from his school with similar stats have gotten in, but with this year, etc who knows. But I will NEVER diminish the accomplishments of other kids who got in just because their “stats” may seem lower than mine. There is so much more that I don’t know that went into that application. The truth is we need to celebrate more than we tear down. So even though if this is the end of the line for us, I will celebrate all of those who get in.

Good luck to everyone. No matter what you hear today that doesn’t have any reflection on who you are as a student. Michigan’s loss with undoubtedly be another schools gain.


Ross will withdraw their app. If they’re admitted from the waitlist they’ll be able to apply during their first year as a cross campus Ross applicant for sophomore entry.


Are decisions definitely coming out today? @danloab

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I wish everyone the best of luck.


Should I expect a waitlist/denial today if it is the “BIG” wave?


Acceptance/Waitlist/Denial, yes.

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@sushiritto We attended the OOS webinar a few nights ago and they welcomed everyone, including the 3/5 admits as EA applicants. Not sure if it was a mistake, but I did take notice.

Ross sent out an email to all their applicants last night titled -

Don’t Believe Everything You Hear: What You Really Need to Know About Our Decision Releases. It definitely made my D breathe a little easier.


Thank you!!

Thank you!!! :slight_smile: I do as well

If I recall correctly there were three waves for RD in the past. The 3/5 release seems to be the first wave for RD this year and very few posts of who got decisions in the CC’s RD thread. Would the coming release be the final wave? Or it is actually the second wave with one final wave in early April?
If this would be the second wave, and supposedly the “big” wave, would the acceptance % be low?

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I didn’t get that… :confused:

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I just talked to the admission office they said maybe today but for sure next week all the decisions will come out the person who I talked to wasn’t sure about today he said it might today.