University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

alright so no withdraw button means decision comes today… but we dont know what the results will be

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I think there was a “withdraw your app” option on the portal. If the page said “unauthorized,” it means you were rejected. If it said “I will not be attending Berkeley and would like to withdraw.” it meant you were accepted. If it said “I wish to remove myself from further consideration,” it meant a waitlist. Something like that…

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oh so for them everyone had the button but different things when u clicked on the button? Bc for UM, not all of us have the button

Yeah… I really don’t think the withdraw button means anything… just shows decisions are coming out today! Anyways it’s only like 2-3 hours away. Good luck to you!


there isnt any button

Good luck to u as well!

Good luck… It’s happening today. Once you start to see changes like someone said you know it will.

Just relaxed and enjoy the ride :bike::wink:

It could just mean that for those who do not have the withdraw button anymore are getting their decision today

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There were 3 indicators, different for acceptance, waitlist or rejection, when you clicked the withdrawal button, I think. And it was proved correct. @jntwinmama could probably explain the Cal thing better than I.

good point, hadn’t considered that but it’s probable that they wouldn’t let you withdraw your application while your decision is being processed.


To those of you that still have the withdraw button, what schools did u apply to?

I applied LSA

good luck everyone. trying so hard to not freak out now

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Tulane, Tufts, Case W, William & Mary, Northeastern, and some safeties

Oh wait :kissing::rofl:read that wrong, sorry umich has my head going everywhere rn



Withdraw button gone for my D too. Freaking out because we’re visiting campus this Sunday-Tuesday. Won’t change plans if she doesn’t get in because we’re also seeing friends in the area. But it will be a painful visit if she doesn’t get in.

Hurry up 3:00 pm Eastern time… :joy:


i second this. amen.

freaking out. dream school essentially means not likely to be reality so…