University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Any international who doesn’t have withdraw button?

tried reading back through this thread… where would with the ‘withdraw now’ button be?

Withdraw button gone for my son too.

a yellow button under the “application” section

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Thanks! Gone for us.

my son applied LSA

Mines STILL here :thinking::kissing:

I applied LSA

So, international students won’t hear their decision today?

Looks like we’re the only ones to have that on this thread

I’m international as well, do you still have the withdraw button??

I’m international and my withdraw button is gone

withdraw application button gone for my son also.

For those that have been accepted already is your button there or gone?

Would seem if you were accepted then you wouldn’t be able to withdraw your app, you would just not not pay your deposit to go there. Or if you’re rejected then you couldn’t withdraw, you’re just done. Still postponed or changed to waitlist then you’d still be able to withdraw.

So…still no clue what it means, but if anyone is reading this that’s been accepted would be awesome if you looked to see if your withdraw button is there or not.

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I still have it. Is it some kind of portal astrology like at Uc Berkeley?

Rereading the thread right now, I misread this too lol, I don’t have a button.

Maybe if your button is gone then they’re uploading decisions. Or if your button is still there then maybe either accepted or waitlisted ? I could be all wrong so DO NOT take my word or assumption and run with it.

At UC Berkeley people who were waitlisted or accepted were able to withdraw while people who were not able to were rejected (like you do not need to withdraw if you are already rejected). Could be totally different at UMich tho!


the best way to have some idea of what it could mean is to know if already accepted students have it or not. otherwise i would assume having it means accepted or no update.

ugh, then that’s bad news for most of us :frowning:

should we make a poll on this now?