University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Not really. Many students going into LSA have business experience and many going into Ross do also. But the converse is true also. Just apply to what makes the most sense to you. BTW - many, many students do not go into Ross at Michigan and many of them land great business jobs. My son told me many Economic students landed some really impressive jobs recently.

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Just make sure you fill out the FAFSA and CSS to be considered for financial aid. The earlier the better because they actually start thinking about aid for applicants in the order received and before everyone is accepted. Also when you list the colleges that you want the FAFSA info sent to, the order that you list your schools matter to some schools. I don’t recall if Michigan likes to see their school first I just recall some of the schools my older daughter applied to saying that during the Financial Aid information sessions.


So strange. Did the CSS and FAFSA but got an email saying “before we can complete your financial aid…please complete the CSS.” Not sure what is missing. CSS says it is complete. Keeping us busy over here.

Hi! Any updates on decision date?

Hi! I applied EA to Umich but I’m from Texas and I am super nervous and don’t know anyone from the area, do yall think they will release decisions soon?

Did anyone else get the financial aid email from UMich office of Fin Aid regarding the March 31 FAFSA deadline?

I did. Not sure what to make of it.

We haven’t received any email from UM since 11/14.

My daughter received the same email.

I dont think it means anything other than the fact that CSS is due by 3/31 and you haven’t done it. Just a reminder and has nothing to do with admission decision

We did not but it’s probably just a generic email sent to everyone, or almost everyone, we’ve got tons of similar emails from other colleges and have completed FAFSA back 10/2. Also getting emails of reminders of deadlines to apply and have already applied and been accepted.

That’s what I was thinking, just wanted to see what others thought.

I think they only send the Finaid emails if you haven’t completed it. I also haven’t received anything since they confirmed that I qualify for EA

I completed Fafsa and I still received the email

Okay never mind then. Idk why they don’t just send it to those who don’t have it checked off on their checklist.

I got the email but I haven’t done the FAFSA or CSS because I’m not applying for aid

You also need to submit CSS profile along with the FAFSA.

Does anyone know if they release financial aid with decisions? And if they don’t, how long after do you usually know

Jan 29 decision date seems to be current theory on this board.

Did anyone else not get the email who has both the fafsa and css completed and checked off? I was going to have to complete an application for in-state tuition a while ago, but the did an audit and then said I was fine.