University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

If you didn’t get a decision you will. Maybe next Friday. If you don’t hear by then… Call or email… Check spam folders (it happens every year) and of course your portals. If international then next Friday… I assume…
Good Luck.!

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Thank you!

Hi everyone! So I was rejected from Michigan yesterday and I was just wondering if there was any way to contact the admissions office just to find out why I did not get in. I know this is not the best idea and people have said just to move on, but I just feel really hurt and just want closure. I know I can try to transfer as well, but Michigan was really the only school I was REALLY excited about because I have loved it since I was little. This was a reach school for me just because of my SAT score, but I would just want some closure, thank you.

How do you set that up? Pls share! Thank you!

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S21 Waitlisted OOS RD (postponed EA)
4.0 UW GPA - top of his class
33 ACT
6 AP/DE classes (all that was available)
Captain - varsity sports & 2 academic teams
Lots of ECs, Leadership & community service
Great essays

Accepted WL but mentally moving on & getting excited about his other awesome acceptances. Good luck everyone & congratulations to all those who got in!


I am also interested. My son applied for learning community and scholarship. Does anyone know when and how you are notified? Would it be the portal or access? Coming up for air during spring break to finally shift gears. Will be reaching out to the school next week with all these pesky inquiries but I was searching here first. UROP sounds excellent.

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My son applied when the application opened but hasn’t heard back. He has been buried in zoom bs school but is going to start switching to college mode soon:)

No. You just answered your own question plus they would have no idea. Move on to your next great choice. Good Luck. BTW _it’s not a personal attack or about you. It’s whom they needed to fill their class. Never take any of this personally.

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I know it’s been a long road as we were in the same place, but you and your son as well seem to have a great attitude about it and aren’t bitter. I can’t imagine how hard that must be.

We may be in the same position in about a week but trying to get excited about the great opportunities in front of us for now.

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@Knowsstuff and @sushiritto I wanted to thank you both immensely for your contributions to this thread. As a parent I’ve been lurking in this forum for a couple of months, and not only have learned important info about Michigan, but also about UC schools. Thank you for the time you spend to keep us posted, this is by far the best forum across the site and compelled me to join, instead of passively reading, so that I can write this note to you :slight_smile:
S21 WL (applied RD) and is really hoping there will be movement in the waitlist. We’re in the Bay Area. He’s got other options, but wants the UofM.


Thank you! It’s easy to be positive with great kids as you know. They will do amazing things & have countless opportunities in life. My son was accepted in-state at UW Madison EA - so as of December 15th we knew that “worst” case he goes to a great school for 28k per year - hard to feel sorry for ourselves! I hope our sons get a couple more opportunities presented their way before this is all over but if not they already have great opportunities right in front of them.


Amazing how reasonable UW is in state when we live in IL and it it outrageous for OOS! 28k for college with the reputation of Wisconsin is a bargain.


Good Luck to your son… And your very kind words.

OOS CO son waitlisted after being deferred (ugh, I resent all these waitlists and do my best to put a positive spin on it and don’t consider them viable options at all)
36 ACT

Stings less with BU acceptance today.


It’s really difficult to understand when strong applicants are passed over. What a shame.

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@karabu and @rbc2018 The lack of transparency is one thing they and some other schools we know and love, really need to work on!! It’s quite shameful tbh. And the minute your kid starts attending, they start hitting you up for money to donate.

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S21 Denied for School of Engineering. OOS, double legacy (plus grandparents), 3.86/4.09, 10 IB classes though not full diploma, submitted SAT of 1300 but probably shouldn’t have - he took it once early as a practice with no prep and fully intended to study and take it again but it kept getting cancelled. But he figured, eh, I’ve got this score, might as well submit it, they’ll either understand or not.

Thankfully he’s not bothered, we knew it was a reach, and he wants to stay on the west coast anyway and be closer to skiing :slight_smile:


No school can accept every perfect or close to perfect student. They are trying to build a diverse class. Plus he’s wait listed. Maybe their waiting to see if he accepts on Ivy day. Don’t know. They have how they evaluate on their website and think it’s pretty transparent especially with the CDS. Again, no school can take all the perfect score /Stat kids. It’s not the students it what they need to build their class. Maybe they hit their quota?+

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@rbc2018 and @srparent15 , I appreciate that. Truth is that when my oldest was at this point of college search in 2019, we were completely naive and unprepared and the unexpected rejections and tuition amounts were devastating (my husband and I were newcomers to US at her age and went to the commuter state university). Her school counselor’s advice in colleges to apply for didn’t include almost any safety schools, and BU was prob her least selective college (that she got waitlisted to, was crushed). She ended up choosing our flagship university, where she’s thriving. With my son now, I was determined to be strategic and realistic, if not pessimistic, and it’s worked out much better and easier on our psyches, even though it’s hard for an 18-year-old not to take rejections personally. And the COVOD, of course, made this year even more ridiculous.


Same here. I was surprised my D18 wanted to go to Michigan. I was the one that added it to her list way back when, but she was admitted EA and when we visited on the CA admitted student day, she loved it.

And as a sports fan all my life, even growing up here, I had to “take a moment” when I approached the Big House. :person_shrugging: