University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

You forgot something. Cue:

“Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the conquering heroes
Hail! Hail! to michigan
The leaders and best!…”


Haha, my son’s LOCI ended with Hail to the victors, Go Blue! Instead of the typical Go Blue! that everyone else seemed to say. Maybe that was his golden ticket today.


Hail to the Victors is my ringtone for when my D calls.


Rejection is never pleasant and it’s easier to externalize and lash out, but it’s unrealistic and unjustified to make such a sweeping statement just to coax your wounded ego. People worked hard to earn their spots. However, many who worked hard and are totally suitable for admission are not selected for reasons that they will never know. You will be admitted to a great place, you’ll see. Best of luck.


sorry everyone for my comments. i meant to say ‘moving’ instead of sad as from multiple webinars i attended said that most are accepted from their moving stories or stories that made their admission officers remember them but its just people’s opinion. I apologize if it meant any harm or offense.
Those admitted deserve to go to UM and those who aren’t, maybe its just not the place we’re supposed to be (everything happens for a reason).


No worries. It’s normal to be upset, but, I can assure you, none of my kids had a particularly sad or moving story. There is often no rhyme or reason for particular rejections. My daughter got into Ross in first wave, but didn’t get her (business) major at the university of Washington last week. Why? No idea, and we will never know. It doesn’t seem to make sense. If she got into Ross, it seems to follow that she would get business at UW, but she didn’t. Last year my son had a lot of disappointment, but still ended up this great school. Things will be ok. Good luck to you!!


My EA in state son was waitlisted yesterday and is crushed. I personally wish he would move on but he accepted. Do they ultimately reject you or can this drag on all summer without a final no?


It can go on till June. Last year they accepted some kids in April but that was an unusual year. No one knows but you have to commit to a school by May 1st. If he gets accepted after and you can afford the school then you have to pay another deposit to Michigan and lose your original one.

Just so you know I told my kids before they found out their results that it’s NOT about them. It’s about what the schools are looking for. I have said this before but they were accepted, rejected, and wait listed from some great schools. It’s a numbers game.

But I do agree with you about the stories. Even though some didn’t at the Tufts talk 5 years ago, they went over 4 case studies and the audience had to pick whom to admit. It was very difficult and gave us an inside look at what the committees go through. So you always pick the perfect student that never worked a day in their life or do you pick the kid with lessor grades and scores but works at the family business 30 hours a week and has to watch his siblings but still great grades? When they kid didn’t work he was a straight A student… So I get what your saying.


Anyone else accepted EA back in January in the first wave but still no news on Ross? I know there’s a wave today and one more in April, but technically I applied “priority” and figured I would’ve heard by now.

I was waitlisted yesterday, in state, 3.85/4 GPA, 32 ACT, and lots and lots of extracurriculars

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You just got ur decision or yesterday ?

Im here in the US and still haven’t gotten my decision yet. But people from my school have. WHAT IS GOING ON

Thanks for the reply. So they do end up giving a definitive rejection? I was wondering more about never hearing and wondering all summer.

Does anyone know about tthe chances of getting into UROP? The information says they have a wait list every year.

Yes they do. Also check your spam folders

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Will there be a second wave

I’m pretty sure there will be, well there has to be. I haven’t gotten a decision yet and others haven’t as well.

yes i got my decisions yesterday

Thank you.