University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Yes, we know this. (Although it seems kind of silly to have a quota for high stat kids, but whatever). I was expressing empathy for Karabu. It’s just sad when a hard-working, accomplished student is denied.


Same from sports management but no email yet. Son doesn’t check portal.

D18 was deferred during EA and was accepted in the Friday wave into OOS COE!!
She is very excited!
She is flying in to see the campus and Ann Arbor this week.
Would love a few must-see places to help her understand the area?
What are the odds of merit non-financial need-based aid for OOS.


We didn’t get an email this time saying there was a change in application status. So if your son is waiting for that he may be looking in the wrong place and should just log into his portal.

@srparent15 – i have seen you active in ut austin thread and this thread and are also from IL, like us. We are leaning towards UT Austin and it seems you have son/daughter there as well. Can you provide some feedback about UT Austin / Premed track and any other tips… please PM if you prefer.

The Diag is the center of Central campus where most of her classes will be. South University and State street are where most the bars and restaurants are plus main Street. The Arb is beautiful to walk around. She can walk anywhere and be safe. Kerry Town has a farmer’s market and Zingermans Deli…

Angelo’s for cinnamon French toast. Fleetwood for classic old time. breakfast. Blimpy Burgers a legend…

Pizza Bobs not for Pizza but for Chapati (pita salad… Famous) and hot fudge chocolate chip shake… Even more famous. Or Vanilla Carmel almond shake or anything you can make up… Lol…

Any type of food you want is there. Brown jug is classic bar… There are many fine restaurants etc etc.

I am sure others will add. Not sure if you can go into like the student union without an ID. Wear a mask…

Art Musuem right on campus if open…

The law Library is beautiful but again not sure if she can access. If she’s into Hillel call them and they might be able to assist also.

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Blank Slate for ice cream.

Wow, OOS son waitlisted at COE yesterday after being deferred.

4.00/4.6 GPA, Valedictorian, 11 AP’s, 2 concurrent enrollment
35 ACT
NMF (one of 2500 selected for NM scholarship)
Class President, Speech Captain, President of school’s volunteering club, NHS officer, STEM TA, etc.
Varsity athlete
Very strong essays and letters of rec
HAIL interview went very well too

Seems that maybe the influx of some candidates that in usual years wouldn’t get a second look hurt a bit, but just confused overall.


I think I accidentally found out I got into Michigan OMG. I could be so wrong but I’m 80% sure I’m right. So I logged into a financial aid portal that my state has and it has the “current institution” that I’m attending, as university of Michigan Ann Arbor. I think the school is partnered with the financial aid program… so


I could be so wrong so I’m going to take it with a grain of salt…:flushed:

UMich is a school that doesn’t necessarily want a bunch of people that are top of their class. They want a wide range of students, and essays matter more than anything to them. So even though your son seems like an amazing Ivy league applicant, UMich wants students that don’t just have perfect grades and the perfect extra curricular amount. It sucks but thats how UMich works.

Don’t want to bury your bubble but thought the same thing a couple months ago, listed UofM as his school…but looked into it further and it just pulls whichever school you have listed as the top spot on your fafsa…which for us was UofM. And then he got rejected Friday :disappointed:

It totally sucks when someone doesn’t get accepted (but he was wait listed so he’s still in the game). But what people don’t understand is Michigan is not a typical public school. They run like a private. Their avg GPA unweighted is 3.9 with 32-35 Act. Engineering is 3.93 with 34 Act… So most LSA would be able to get into almost any other engineering program out there.

3.9 is very close to the 4.0 and the difference between a 34 Act and A 36 is just a few questions in reality.

My son tells me most of his friends were definitely in the top range of their high school where they came from. They would more of less have to be. Look at their conference and see what the avg GPA etc for the other schools in the Big Ten (yes even Northwestern which is a private school) NW Act is 33-35… About the same…

So all these kids are really close in reality. Maybe an extra A vs a B in a class here or there. So with also like I read 80,000 applications… How does any school decide this perfect stats kid vs all the other perfect Stat kids applying? Why is one sooo much better then the next one? If they took all the extreme Stat kids how is that fair to the 3.75 unweighted 33 Act kid that works really, really hard but would add greatly to the school community and has amazing Ecs and showed well through the essays.

You are not finding 3.2 GPA with 28 Act at Michigan like you do at other publics unless their outliers. This is not a dig at those kids. There is a university and fit for every child out there. But with the avg GPA 3.9 and 32-35 Act, I hardly find the argument convincing that they aren’t taking top students.



Lol… Confirm your acceptance and let us know but congrats if your assumption is correct.

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Int student here- did everyone have the #admitreplybutton? Or was it only for accepted students?

Thanks for the info–where/to whom did your son send the LOCI to?

I don’t remember. I’ll ask him. I want to say there was an option to do so right on the portal where we saw waitlisted, but my memory might be wrong.

Hi, Any idea when is the next wave coming? (International student)

Probably this Friday