University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

It’s definitely coming out next week because they said decisions by January 31. They usually don’t come out on a weekend so it’s safe to say that it’ll be Wednesday-Friday next week.

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…but I’ll still be checking this week just in case!

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Keep us posted please

Me too!

I have mentioned this but call and ask and see what they say. Plus experience… Ha… Lol… If I am wrong then oh well. But

No one should waste their time calling. It won’t speed up the decision process and if anything it only pulls a resource away from the application review process. People need to just let them do their jobs. When the day comes it comes and it isn’t going to change anything. I cannot believe how many threads I see people constantly talking about calling admissions offices about decisions. When they say by the 31st they mean sometime by the 31st, which is within the next 11 days. People need to just chill out already.

@Knowsstuff And I don’t mean you as you don’t have skin in the game this year. I mean the others who keep calling or want to call!


Its amazing to me. I’ve told everyone on this board that decisions are coming on the 29th. Trust me.


When I said I’ll be checking - I was referring to looking at my portal. I never said I was going to call the Admissions office. I agree that is just taking away from the job we are all excited about them doing.

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I wasn’t directing my comment at any one specific poster, it’s just been the same general comments over and over for more than a month with people wanting to call or having called yada yada. That’s all I’m saying. Couldn’t say offhand if you were one or not, but sounds like it wasn’t. I just SMH every time I see it and it’s not just in this group.

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Lol… I really hope that the student answering the phone is Not reviewing anyone’s applications. :rofl:

My skin in the game is one more semester of payment. :joy:… I called to relieve these students.

All I can say if anyone is lucky enough to get in, it will afford them 4 years of amazing opportunities . If they go after it…

Good Luck.


I got into Purdue Engineering last Friday, I am a Michigan resident atm. I’m hopeful that I’ll get into Michigan for Electrical Engineering, at this point it’s just a waiting game. I sent in my test scores before the EA deadline, but I sent in the November one after the deadline since I could self report and it was only a week later.

I’ve got a 1420 SAT (710 math/reading), 3.85 UW GPA, and some pretty decent ECs (plus I work at uBreakiFix, so I handle electronics quite frequently). I was using Naviance to check and see where I’m at, and I do see mostly acceptances around my stats at my school at least. They show a 36% admissions rate for Purdue, and 24% for Michigan.


How did they deal with covid? I can’t find any info but quite a few people on here have complained about how covid was mishandled. Can you elaborate?

You may want to seek that information elsewhere. This post is about applications and decisions.

Ok but the person I was replying to was complaining about the covid mishandling and I haven’t been able to find any other information on it

They did nothing, that’s how they dealt with it. Similar to one of my kid’s schools. They have a ton of money and the facilities to be able to have a protocol but nope nothing. Unfortunately, sometimes the public universities are guided by the state legislatures and their hands are tied so they can’t have much of a testing protocol in place. In November they just up and decided to close the freshman dorms one day and told everyone that was it they had to leave immediately. There was a lot of push back and I think they did let freshman stay longer. I think they also were not letting them live int he dorms for second semester, but also had push back on that. I don’t know what the ultimate result of that was but hundreds of alumni were very upset and many students were considering or actually transferring at mid-semester. I haven’t really talked about it in front of my son much because I know the lack of Covid response at the school my daughter goes to is part of why he didn’t apply there, so I don’t want to turn him off here if he gets in, especially because it’s already not high on his list, but I’m paying attention to see if they can clean up their act second semester.


This will help provide you with more info After a ‘Covid Semester,’ the University of Michigan Gets Tougher on the Virus - The New York Times

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Well, almost nothing. :laughing:

One, last August, they did charge us a Covid-19 fee of roughly $50 per semester. D18 received a few masks, some hand sanitizer and gloves, IIRC.

Two, D18 was trying to manipulate her Fall schedule during the summer last year and, prior to the Fall semester start, all of my D’s classes in relatively quick fashion, went from all in-person to all remote. So D18 has been all remote all year. And she and her roommates have all been thankfully Covid-free (knock on wood). So, not all bad. Just mostly bad. :slight_smile:

What they should have done is what Carmel, CA does. Anyone not wearing a mask in town, gets a $100 fine. Tough noogies. UMich had some Covid rules or procedures setup, but few if any enforced them.

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Many schools responses sucked. Michigan’s was less then. Students also have to come through. It is a team effort.

But this semesters seems very good. You can get tested daily if you want to. Some classes /labs are open. Next fall should different. I wouldn’t expect Mask free in the fall but testing /vaccines should be in place. It should be a more normal experience with limitations. I think most schools will operate this way. Don’t think hybrid classes are going away… There are advantages to them. Think this will be at most universities.

Hi, my daughter is a freshman at UMich and applied to TEPA. IMO, SOE is a bit easier to get into than other colleges at UMich. About 2-3 weeks before the decisions were released last year, she received an email from TEPA stating that if she was offered admission to university, she would be accepted to TEPA. I thought it meant that she got in but our college advisor told us not to read into it. Nonetheless, I kept thinking it would be so cruel to send a personal email like that and not admit her so I was very encouraged. Sounds like you might have gotten a similar email so, while things could be different this year, you might get some good news by the end of the month. Good luck! My daughter is incredibly happy at UMich even in a pandemic. She is taking her first education class this semester and loves it. SOE is amazing!!!