University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I just replied to another post of yours about SOE…good luck!

Does anyone have insight on how financial aid is for OOS students who don’t have good Enough grades for merit scholarships? For reference, I 'm from NYC and middle class (below 200k)

OOS students don’t get merit through Michigan. But OOS financial aid is all depending on your financial situation… Many kids are getting between $20, 000-35,000 OOS… But of course this is just what I have seen over the years on these threads. But once at Michigan they will try to help you stay at Michigan… They have been great with kids through the covid period etc. They have the money, you just need to show the proof. Look at their financial aid site and contact them since your situation will be different from someone’s else’s.

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I received an email saying the exact same thing (with the exact same message!) Hoping that it is good news then! Thank you so much.

Thanks! I’ll check it out

ok, here’s a question…when decisions are made I’m assuming they send an email letting you know. Does the email (typically) give the decision in it or is it just a standard nondescript telling you to check online to receive your decision? All decisions received so far from other schools have said in the email congrats or you’re in or something like that.

Are you applying for SOE too? Does Michigan send emails out like this for other majors?

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Sorta both. You get an email and notice through the portal. Sometimes one is faster then the other. You also get stuff in snail mail if accepted.

I did apply to SOE and just got this TEPA email saying I was invited to join their community if accepted to Michigan. From what I’ve seen on here, Haven’t seen emails for other majors or schools. TEPA and SOE are interconnected, I was also invited to learn more about it.

Do AO’s email prospective applicants? Has anyone received an email from their AO?

I have not and that seems very unlikely in general.

No, I don’t think AO’s email, unless you mean in direct response to a question. But I assumed your question is asking whether they send unsolicited emails?

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what I’m wondering though is will you know from the email if you got in or not? Want to be there when my son finds out so just wondering if he’ll already know when he gets the email or if the email just says “check your portal for decision” so you don’t know until you log on, if that makes sense?

I believe it will say something along the lines of “an update to your application status has been made” or something like that. There will be no decision in the email; I am sure of that.

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Hi, I know you mentioned prior you got some email about filling out your CSS. You may have mentioned it above but are you either OOS/ didn’t apply for financial aid? I’m OOS and didn’t apply for financial aid and I got the same CSS email and you just mentioned that you got a TEPA email that someone previously mentioned was a good thing. I applied to LSA and I would say I’m a decent applicant but OOS is obviously a dumpster fire lol.

I got two CSS emails yeah. I am OOS but did apply to financial aid but I was told I didn’t have to do my CSS profile until March lmao. I can do my stats if that helps anyone but I’m probs nothing wild when it comes to my stats.

Gotcha thx for clarifying. Dunno what it means but hopefully it’s a good sign.

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Did any international applicant get the CSS mail?

I’m from India, and I didn’t

Did you apply for fin. Aid?