University of Michigan EA Class of 2025


Ok, so did anyone else who DID apply for financial aid get the email as well?

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Yes, me. I am domestic though

Yea haha I shoulda said besides you.

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Tbh I doubt it means anything. I feel like a lot of people got the email and there was nothing super personalized on it. I do find it suspicious that I got it twice within the same week but besides that don’t stress about it.

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I got a more standard CSS profile email, but then the second one I got 2 days ago and it said that the deadline is 3 months away and they want me to “Go Blue!” and get greatest consideration for funding. Way different than the last one. Did anyone get this email?

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Can you please let me know the wording in the SOE TEPA email your daughter received?
Thanks very much!

Yes, my son did receive a friendly response direct from his AO (not a generated form letter). Thanked him for his update sent, assured him it will go into his file for consideration. I was very surprised at his response directly from his AO without any associate or admin staff involvement. I can’t imagine how many inquiries they receive.

Anyone think that there’s chance of decisions coming out today or tomorrow? I’m betting on next Friday but if people are getting emails inviting them to certain programs does that mean that decisions have been made?

I’m guessing those letters don’t indicate anything related to the timing of admissions decisions being released.

I’m going to trust this poster. He/she seems to be awfully sure of himself/herself.

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I applied for financial aid and haven’t received any emails besides being told that I qualify for EA

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I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic???

hopefully they pull through and release decisions before the 29th bc waiting is so hard

People who got those personalized emails (the one I mentioned I got) said they came 2 weeks before admission. I got mine last week so decision probs come out next Friday

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Nope, playing it straight. No sarcasm. Poster has posted that date (1/29) several times over the course of month +/-.

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Umich dearborn decisions just came out

Im assuming that’s a special program and not related to EA?

I was thinking it might be someone from admissions!

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Lol that’s some gossip girl stuff right there