University of Michigan Waitlist Class of 2025

It means that spots will only really open up as kids change their mind about going to Michigan because they go elsewhere. Sort of like how @Dadoverhishead just said his kid is committing to Syracuse. However, it’s really only relevant if he had paid his deposit and switched to Syracuse after May 1.

So many last year were waitlisted and then taken off the waitlist because covid changed everything in March. When Michigan started releasing their RD decisions last year they already knew what was going on. Kids were taking asking about deferring their decisions, taking a Gap year etc, so they were able to put 10k kids on the waitlist when they normally wouldn’t have. Especially because they tend to defer a ton of kids in the EA rounds and deny very few if many at that point. My daughter goes to an Ivy and they started taking kids off the waitlist in mid-April last year for the same reason. The catch was any kid taken off the waitlist couldn’t ask for a deferral - they had to commit to attending and showing up in the fall, even if they stayed home to attend remote. They were in person and some did stay home remote but still on the hook financially for online school. Many came in person second semester after the first was somewhat of a success.

This year with things look better with covid, I wouldn’t expect a lot of waitlist movement but I’m sure they still have a huge waitlist to cya. A lot are wl from our school for engineering, but only 3 were accepted outright, with 2 attending.

Registration/Orientation starts in June so if they don’t tell you until July it’s a lot to catch up on. I’m already overwhelmed by a lot of it. @sushiritto can tell you, I’ve asked so many questions of him, lmao and I’m a 4x college parent.

Love the school that is the top on your list right now and if granted the opportunity to get off the waitlist then decide if you want to switch. But don’t let the waitlist hold you hostage.

That’s great that you’re “orientating” in June. D had her orientation in July and IIRC, had to take a class out of numerical sequence, but the earlier class wasn’t a prereq for the later class. I’m not sure if they have the same registration system now though.

Not that anyone cares, but D21’s college here in CA just gives you your freshman block schedule for the Fall Quarter. So, that’s one thing we don’t have to worry about.

We don’t have our date yet, but that’s when it starts. Hoping to get June! Emails go out next week I think as soon as commitment date passes. They said early-mid May, so fingers crossed. Fortunately my son is on top of it as they said an email will come to your UM email.

That is awesome about your daughter and the schedule. In a way that makes it soooo much easier. Cornell sort of does that with engineering. There really isn’t much choice for what you take first semester other than if you have AP credit for science. So everyone pretty much takes Chem (or Physics), Math, the Freshman Writing class (they get to rank 5 of them) and either the CS course required of all or Intro to Engineering. Pretty cut and dry.

I’m going to PM you another question I have about UM. I just realized you would probably know.

Do the CoE students take the same freshman writing class as the LSA students? The GSI that taught that class was, according to my D, the worst. And she couldn’t get out of it, even though her AP Lit and AP Lang grades/scores should have.

I guess I can fortunately say no! My son is a really good writer but hates English and hates writing. He refused to take AP English because he hates writing! Whatever floats his boat I guess. Lucky for him he got the best senior english teacher other than the AP one.

The Engineering students are all required to take something called ENGR100 and ENGR101 or 151 which is for those who have a little more background or something like that. Apparently the ENGR100 is the “writing” course or something like that and you have a lab that goes with it on a variety of Engineering topics you can choose from. If one transfers from LSA to Engineering the required LSA English courses substitute for that pair as my son explained it to me by a friend of his transferring from LSA to Engineering.

So, I assume the course your talking about must be that LSA course that you’re talking about.

yayayayay cuse strong!!! congrats on great choice!

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One kid I know picked Purdue over mich

Does Michigan send and email if you have been rejected off the waitlist or they are done filling spots… or do you just never hear anything if you are not accepted off the waitlist?

i’m wondering this too

Not sure what they do these days but someone I know who graduated college last year is “still on the UM waiting list” lol.

Sorry for not being super clear; I was asking where did you see the message mentioned in your post ““you are among a select group of high-achieving students”” since all I got was a waitlist letter without any of these words. If these are on your waitlist letter, I would assume you and people received such a letter definitely have a better chance than me!

That was from a different university (top 20 school). I was comparing it to the one my son received from UMich.

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Just withdrew my waitlist status at UMich. It’s a fantastic public school but Berkeley has offered a better choice. Best of luck to you guys!



From my knowledge, they let you know if you have been rejected off the waitlist.

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I applied to Kines dual Sports Mangement-Dual with Ross Business.
I was deferred EA in January then Waitlisted RD in March. I just checked my Enrollment Connect This morning.
There is a SMI Form to verify interest under actions on Enrollment Connect. I have not received any email or update about this. I just saw the form appeared under Resolve Actions Tab this am.
Any feedback/Info? Winter 2022 Start? 50-person cohort?
Does this increase my odds of getting in off Waitlist- Sports Management Program?
Does everyone waitlisted to SM in Kines get this?
Can anyone share any first hand experience about this?

Michigan Wait List Letter Form

thanks for the heads-up on this. We had the same form in our portal today. Same status as you…deferred EA, then waitlist. We confirmed interest in the immersion program, so we’ll see what happens, i guess.

What school are you commiting to in the meantime?

University of Florida. How about you?

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