University of Michigan Waitlist Class of 2025

FINGERS STILL CROSSED YOU NEVER KNOW! For now I am committing to the university of toronto, with my first year costs covered.

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Congratulations all! UIUC here too.

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There still will be waitlist movement I believe. Maybe not as much as we would have hoped for, but other schools will accept people that are committed to umich and it will open up space.

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Is there any proof of this?

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Someone else should try contacting them and see if they say the same thing. I hope that the people who are saying they overenrolled are wrong, because I was hoping to apply to UMich again in 2 years for a transfer, but I assume it would be more difficult if they’re overenrolled :frowning:

It’s probably different in two years since there are always kids in the cc track that transfer in and kids who drop out or natural attrition. I’ve never heard of a school saying their class is full. I could see an over enrollment and it does seem like there are just tons of kids on the parent pages who have committed. Nothing like I’ve seen at the other large public university I have a kid at but then parents can’t join that page until after graduation and this stuff isn’t allowed so that could be why it seems like overkill!

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I know 2 kids rejected umich and went to Purdue.

I don’t think that matters. However, the only way they take people out of waitlist is if either they overestimated yield or committed people coming out of waitlist on other college.

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Unfortunately, I think waitlists are going to resemble a giant game of dominoes. The main college decision day was May 1. That should allow schools to be in a better position to ramp up the process of determining how many students they will need to take from the waitlist. However, the Ivy League decision day is today, May 3. There are a lot of Ivy League applicants who also apply to UMich. I think that, once some of the Ivy League schools (and other top tier schools such as Duke, Vandy, etc.) begin pulling from their waitlists, it will then set the stage for UMich to be in a position to offer admission to more waitlisted candidates. With that said, I think waitlisted candidates have to try not to be distracted by the painful waitlist process and remain focused on the school whose offer they have already accepted. Easier said than done.

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though i still love umich, i think im in the shape of getting excited for where i will be next year. go illini. literally would no longer be upset about the outcome of waitlists.


I think my son is happy with his Purdue commitment. He would still love to go to UMich - but maybe that will be something to pursue if he does grad school someday. He’ll get everything he needs & wants out of undergrad with Purdue Engineering.


My son is also committed to Purdue! He is still waitlist for Michigan but mentally moved on.


when will they start notifying people if they get off the waitlist? and did anyone sent in a LOCI? thanks!

I’m guessing that most waitlist acceptances will come out in the second half of May, after Ivies have already admitted candidates from their waitlist and UofM’s admissions officers have time to choose waitlisted students to admit.

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I sent one through my counselor.

How many of you applied to LSA? Most people on discussion boards either applied to Ross or Engineering/CS.

There was at least one (1) report here in CC, but usually many more, of a waitlist decisions on the following dates for the last 5 years:

Class of 2024: Thursday, 4/23/2020 (Covid)
Class of 2023: Saturday, 6/08/2019
Class of 2022: Thursday, 5/24/2018
Class of 2021: Wednesday, 5/24/2017
Class of 2020: Tuesday, 5/22/2016

Also, I seen posts in past years claiming that Michigan will NOT take any applicant from the waitlist and then have multiple posts from students who subsequently were admitted from the waitlist.

The post usually starts of with “a family friend called U of M admissions to get information about when waitlisted student admittances will be released. He was told that they will not be taking students off of the waitlist this year.” IMO, it’s nonsense.

The only year that I could find recently was 2007 (not recent), where 0 were admitted from the waitlist. So, for the past 13 years, Michigan has gone to their waitlist.


Thank you for this comment and appreciate the info. Have you tracked the first comment of getting out of waitlist in past except last year?

Yes, I’ve posted this info before in the WL thread(s). I don’t believe I did it last year with Covid, but in prior years, yes.

I applied to LSA-RC as a creative writing major.

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