University of Michigan Waitlist Class of 2025

Do we need to send an LOCI? I want to make it clear Umich is my top choice, but I know they said they don’t want additional documents

Some universities don’t rank waitlist candidates but considering how big the pool is they might. If you’re curious then you could probably ask your regional admissions officer.

Just curious, will Ross still consider applicants who were waitlisted at Michigan?

Thank you! Good luck to you too. I personally think more people will get off waitlist this year. People apply for more schools on average this year so less will eventually enroll. Don’t lose heart. Best of luck!!

To figure out where you are located on the wl, I heard that some schools arrange students by their SAT scores but this year is optional so idk…

Lol if sat score alone was the criteria, s21 will be top of list with act 36

i dont think it will be the case for michigan though, they can easily fill the class with perfect 4.0s and 36s but they are holistic.

A response from an email I sent to my admissions rep said decisions from waitlist won’t go out until late June. Does anyone know if this is true or just a way to gauge who is really interested in the waitlist? Most schools will make the majority of waitlist decisions in May/early June but not sure why Michigan’s would be so late.

I’m joining the wl today! what a journey; deferred from EA, waitlisted now.


Whatever they say now, they’re not sure since this year is so unpredictable. We unfortunately have to choose one school to enroll by 5/1. Have you all decided which to commit?

I’ve already committed to my second choice just so confused why they wouldn’t release any decisions until that late. Hopefully they will be much earlier!!

darn it. i wish they would do april waitlist admission as they did last year. late june is just too late

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welcome to the waitlist club !

I’m thinking it will be earlier like last year. It makes no sense why it would be later, since they are competing with other Ives/ top twenties to admit kids and have them accept. The later the decision goes out, the less likely the student is to accept.

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On the bright side, if it is later, then more people will be receiving offers of admission as more offers won’t be accepted due to late notice/people making other plans.

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I wish they could care about international students’ situation a bit. It’s not about the deposit money. It’s about the horrible process we have to go through to get a visa to study in the US.

We have to commit to a school by 5/1, finish all the paperwork and get I-20 from the school, then apply for F-1 visa, which is a huge mess this year due to covid and probably can take 3+ months if we’re in the US, so we simply cannot wait until June when there’s barely enough time to get the visa.

Waitlist is simply an end game for internationals this year. You would feel how unfair it is if you were us.

Not my game. No bright side for us, internationals.

S21 decided to pull his name out of wl. Gtech is what he decided instead of waiting at Michigan and cmu

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they should prioritize the international student body pool first to fill their intended international criteria. they should of accept waitlists on april and may waves so they are considerate about the international students’ special circumstances. this sucks man, i wish they could do it sooner rather than later.

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Congrats on Gtech! I believe they are lucky to have you