University of Missouri–Rolla any good?

<p>University of Missouri–Rolla/Missouri University of Science and Technology
any good for engineering.... </p>

<p>how abt its campus is it good? any bad things about the univ ...?</p>

<p>Missouri S&T has a good/decent reputation for engineering. I liked the look of the campus. They are currently remodeling the aerospace/mechanical engineering building. The student center is new and quite nice. As for dorms, the residential learning center is very nice - easily the nicest dorms I've ever seen. There's another dorm that is a former hotel building, and there's an older collection of dorms which I didn't see. St. Patrick's Day is celebrated in a big way there. In this day of "greenness", I found it a bit unusual for the college to have a coal-powered plant, but it did start out as a mining college and they do own their own mine. As a side note, they also offer a minor in explosives engineering.</p>

<p>Bad? 75% male, 25% female</p>

<p>^ That’s only bad if you’re male! ;)</p>

<p>If this helps at all, my dad attended there and he seemed to like it.</p>

<p>well thnx for help… but thats too bad …i mean wt the hell so less girls i hope homos wuld be happy…lol</p>

<p>CAn’t help you, but just wanted to mention that they have a replica of Stonehenge near one of the engineering buildings on the campus. The blocks are as tall as Stonehenge ones, but they are machined and polished. I’m pretty sure it was a project done by the students at UM-Rolla years ago, just can’t recall what the plaque said at the moment. The stones have lots of inscriptions on them detailing location of the sun at different times of the year. It’s really interesting.</p>

<p>Lots of cute guys, as I recall from a quick look-see trip thru just to see Stonehenge. I’m a mom who was bringing my children up to visit relatives, and we used to stop to see ‘Stonehenge’.</p>

<p>Rolla has a great reputation in the midwest. I am from St. Louis, and I know a lot of kids here dream about going there. I honestly do not know much about the school because I’m not into engineering , but it sounds like they have a good rep .</p>

<p>Rolla is a decent engineering school, probably great value for the money, unless things have changed. They always brag that the football team actually graduates. The town is small and there’s not much to do, although if you like hunting/fishing/canoeing, it’s a great location. It’s about 1 hr 40 min. from the St. Louis airport if you need to fly. There’s also not much in the way of shopping. </p>

<p>Male/female student ratio is out of whack, so that creates some problems. Big drinking school, again probably somewhat due to the lack of female students.</p>

<p>Another thing to remember if you’re not sure about engineering or sure of your ability to handle engineering coursework. It’s 85% engineering. The other departments are mostly there for support, so if you decide you don’t want to major in engineering, you generally need to go somewhere else.</p>