University of New Hampshire Early Action for Fall 2023

$6K was the merit. The other larger amount was the grant


That’s great! Is she liking it there?

D23 received an Honors College invite & additional grant today. Posting so that families know, notification can come weeks after admission


Has anyone heard from Hamel Scholars or know when they typically let people know?

We have not heard back yet. I’m glad you posted because I was wondering too.

If you received an Honors College email invite, do you have anything listed under “Honors” status in the Application Status in your webcat portal? My DD did not get an honors email but her Honors status says “Automatic Admit Honors”.

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My D23 received an Honors program email but she said that she doesn’t see anything labeled “honors status” anywhere in the webcat portal.

She found it in the webcat portal => Admissions =>Application Status => Fall 2023 Application Summary. Here is what we see - even though application status says “under review” she received EA acceptance.

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OK, thanks. She said she had never been to that screen before, but she looked and hers looks the same.

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Thanks for checking, appreciate her help :slight_smile:

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Does anyone know what this grant is about? In my EA acceptance they mentioned the presidential scholarship, but I only found out about this money when checking the portal.


The online description said need based & assessed annually. This did not ring true for our situation & I wondered if it was connected with honors college because we learned of both at the same time

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This one will vary year to year. It is not guaranteed like the merit scholarship, but every little bit helps. Does it get you closer to the EFC on FAFSA or what your instate tuition may be?


That makes sense, thank you!

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Loves it there. It’s a great area and school.


Any word on this yet? We haven’t heard anything but my D keeps getting invited to apply for other opportunities (Idea and Innovation Society, Changemaker Fellow) and we aren’t sure if these opportunities are intended to be instead of, in addition to, or completely unrelated to the Hamel Scholar program. She doesn’t want to commit to too much.

I haven’t heard from Hamel yet. Also got invited to those other opportunities. If I were to guess, they seem unrelated but who knows

I’m so thankful for this forum. Daughter got invited to these & had no idea because she doesn’t check her email. :upside_down_face: Thank you!

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In case anyone is looking at this next year for a timeline, my D received a letter today (3/3) about the Hamel Scholar program & unfortunately was not selected. So she’s going to take a look at some of those other programs to see if any are of interest.

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Does UNH send out a welcome package to students after the deposit is paid?