University of North Carolina Charlotte School of Architecture Questions

So I applied for UNC Charlotte on the 16th of January and was notified on the 10th of February of my admittance into the college! I also chose my major as Architecture which required me to complete a separate SOA application and portfolio due by February 1st, which was the last deadline to submit it. Its now February 20th and I have yet to get a decision on my application even though the next interview day is the 28th.

Also, on my Future49ers account, I had an alert stating that January 22nd was the last day to submit the SOA application, even though on my acceptance letter and on their website it says February 1st.

Is there anyone sharing my situation? Does anyone have any additional information about this process or have gone through the process themselves that could help me out? I also want to know about how the interview is. Any info that can be provided will be very much appreciated.


My daughter is applying to architecture schools, but did not include NC Charlotte, thinking maybe she should have. At any rate, you should call the admissions office or better yet the school of architecture and make sure they received everything on time. Also, she was accepted to a school overall, and then it about 3 or 4 weeks to get the school of architecture acceptance so maybe NC Charlotte is the same. Good luck, applying to architecture school has been a challenging process for sure.

I would send an email to the SoA as they have been fairly responsive. We were down there earlier for an interview. They gave us about a week or less notice before the interview so you may get something still. I am not sure what the cut-offs were anymore as my S had his stuff completed back in October so I know he was ahead on everything.

Thanks for the responses! And what about the dress code? Do the expect you to wear a suit and tie or does business-casual suffice? Im asking because I just got an invitation for an interview on the 28th and I’m trying to prepare!

There were kids dressed both ways, my son was business-casual. I would not fret over that and just wear what makes you the most comfortable and confident.

Thanks for the responses! I also have one more question: If I am urged to confirm my enrollment to the school, should I do that after I learn whether I got into the SoA program or not? I am just asking because I don’t want it to be binding to the college if I don’t get into the program.

@JoshMarino I believe you have until May 1 to make your decision (but confirm this) so I would not feel pressured to give a response now. And I would totally suggest waiting until you get confirmation from SoA if majoring in architecture is important to you. Best of luck!