University of Pennsylvania Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

“Future notable alumni are admitted to Wharton, not CAS”

What does this even mean???


Where are you coming up with this stuff?

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I agree. And all those claims are ridiculous.


Please just stop.

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Apologies! Yeah it was just something I’ve heard

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■■■ i def don’t have a patent :smiley:

And you def don’t need one :slight_smile:

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No worries, I know it’s a super stressful time for all of us. Just a few more days though…

Elon was at Wharton for 3 years, not the College of Arts & Sciences…

My daughter is a sophomore at UPenn. There are plenty of “regular” smart kids there that don’t have patents!


He has a dual degree, Econ from Wharton and Physics from CAS.

he applied as a transfer for junior year to Wharton, was accepted and then pursued a dual degree

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I think you meant to respond to someone else. I’m not the one making baseless claims on this thread.

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Correct. V sorry about that!

Hey guys. Don’t psych yourselves out by second-guessing how you may have compared to other applicants. It sounds like you’re all very qualified. If, in the end, you’re not accepted, it doesn’t mean you weren’t qualified; it just means there were fewer spaces available than there were qualified applicants. Try not to stress or beat yourselves up; your hard work and excellent stats mean that you have great opportunities available at many, many schools. And don’t fight amongst yourselves… who knows, you could be classmates in the not-too-far future. Good luck and hang in there!


lol I swear y’all need to chill. I don’t have many impressive achievements; my UW GPA is a 3.92 (and it isn’t even in the top 9.5% of my school! my school is very competitive ehh), my ACT was average, my essays were average, and after reading those posts I just gave up on hope. so just calm down; a lot of you up there have so much more achievements than I did and you guys will be fine. even if Penn doesn’t accept you other great schools will. calm down and carry on.


My UW GPA is 3.93. SAT 1560. Average ECs. Average Honors and Awards. In the least recruited group according to the affirmative action scheme. I already don’t expect anything from Dec 15. If I get in, great. If not, I will wait for other universities. I believe there is no scholarship likely to be offered for many ED applicants, since it is binding. Are you guys in a pretty good financial situation so that it is not a factor ? Thanks.

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Penn is need-blind for admissions and meets demonstrated need for all admitted students. Aid packages are based on ability to pay, there are no merit award scholarships.


Not need-blind for international students tho


No merit based scholarship at all for ED ? or for both ED and RD ? Then how do they attract the students who also get admitted to HYPSM ? I mean > $83K per year for tuition/room/meals is a pretty big blow to an average family budget. Even though we can sort of “afford” it.

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This is the reason why families choose to not do ED so they can review the financial aid packages and not be bound to the school. Some say schools don’t have an incentive to give merit aid to ED applicants because they have to attend the school regardless of it since ED is binding.

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