University of Pennsylvania Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

And the applicant pool strength is the same throughout the schools.

Seeing some early ED #s, Williams was up a lot, 15-20% vs last year, Yale SCEA 6%, Dartmouth just said “significantly”. 2022 admission season was first “new normal” after COVID, and it was not pretty. Many kids who might have gotten in 2021 were rejected in 2022, so that is driving some fear and leading to more ED and more apps in general to “second” tier schools such as Georgia Wisconsin etc. But it’s all baked in the cake, nothing to do but wait. Worrying about it is wasted energy.

10% more early interviews this year for Penn than applicants last year (acording to a penn student who works in the admissions office). Hoping they were Wharton is wishful thinking, now that I think about it

I would not assume anything…

wishful thinking at its best

Yeah, seriously, ppl should NOT be thinking CAS is easy. All Penn colleges are HIGHLY competitive in Admissons.


I am sure CAS is super competitive and provides excellent education. There might be a difference of opinion on whether Elon Musk is a good example of the quality of education at CAS :wink:

You learn something new everyday. I didn’t know he went there.

How do you guys just casually have contacts in the admissions office? Even on Reddit I see so many people with connections–it’s crazy.

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He did Physics from CAS.

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Good luck hummuslover, Amy_C and everyone else waiting for the decision. Less than 100 hours to go! :wink:

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He did; CAS for Physics undergrad. It’s very prestigious

That makes sense. Thanks for the insight!

I saw somewhere that CAS and Wharton has about the same acceptance rate, despite Wharton being more well known :frowning: if some Wharton people really are applying to CAS because they think it’ll be easier to get in and then switching later, the acceptance rate for CAS won’t be looking too good

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Oh yeah no that’s what is happening. Plus, CAS focuses on accepting more “diversity” candidates. In essence, if you were a good fit for Wharton (great ECs, stats), you are doing yourself a disservice by applying CAS, because they prioritize URMs, first gens, etc here.

Future notable alumni are admitted to Wharton, not CAS

■■■ i def don’t have a patent :smiley:




This is baseless and worse than unhelpful.


@Amy_C I suspect you’re speculating about a lot of things at this point and don’t have the numbers to back it up. Not that it’s inherently wrong – we’re all to some extent assuming certain details about the admissions process. But, I think by stating that CAS is a disadvantage to anyone that is not first gen or URM, among other similarly speculative claims, you’re instilling fear and uncertainty in already very-stressed seniors (me included!)