University of Pennsylvania Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Or hooked.


Hmm most likely. Or maybe just outstanding essays/ecā€™s

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What institutional need is mental health? What do you mean please?



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May be the other folks can verify the same through their Naviance. For me, I see minimum 3.95 GPA for the ones who were admitted in previous years. Only 1 or 2 gets accepted every year from my school.


Once again I think you are taking very few data points with limited insight into the specifics of those data points (you didnā€™t read the applications) and extrapolating them into fact patterns.

I believe this is a flawed approach and based upon some of your other statements suggest a naĆÆvetĆ© about how admissions decisions are actually made.

I absolutely wish you the best but would reconsider your assumptions.


Iā€™m just following this thread, as my son is a current Penn junior and am concerned about the amount of misinformation thatā€™s being posted on this thread.

Can you please provide evidence that having mental health related ECs with average grades is an institutional priority for Penn?

Please try to double check your facts before posting!


Penn actively seeks students whoā€™ve had mental health challenges in the past?

Not really, just giving hope to people who might have a lower GPA. Itā€™s coming out in 3 days though, so I donā€™t think thinking about it will do us any good lol

Oh ok. Cause unfortunately Iā€™ve heard that schools discriminate against students with mental health challenges.

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Please correct me if I am wrong but like most highly competitive schools Penn actively seeks students who will in the broadest of terms;

  1. Thrive academically and leverage the vast institutional resources of a school like Penn

  2. Contribute and participate in Pennā€™s academic and social communities

  3. Have the capacity to use their academic experiences to positively impact society

This means a successful applicant can have a variety of credentials or characteristics that separate them from the pack but the starting point will always be academic viability.


It is coming out in 3 days, so I donā€™t think it helps to speculate about Pennā€™s admissions policies. But in general, yes I think you are right.

Yes, makes senseā€¦I was just wondering about mental health being an institutional priority.

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I am not speculating. Saying you know a kid that got in based on an institutional priority related to mental health or that Penn is focused on rigor vs Brown caring about stats is both speculative and incorrect.


Apologies for that, lets move on from this convo


On a more positive note, what plans do you guys have to celebrate if you get in?

I think getting in is celebration enough for a tough high school journey!

I think you are making broad assumptions by inferring that 3.6s have higher rigor than 4.4s and that that is the main difference and that difference is the reason the 3.6s were accepted. The 3.6s could easily be hooked. And it is definitely possible to have top GPAs as well as top rigor. There are plenty of kids who can make all As and also challenge themselves with the hardest courses. Penn, like all highly selective schools, can look for top rigor and near-top of the class kiddos, plus great ECs and great LORs, and they still would have way too many to choose from.