University of Pennsylvania Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Ahaha true. Bed-decorating parties are a thing where I live so maybe that.

“I don’t think it helps to speculate about Penn’s admissions policies.”

Um, have you read your own posts?


I’m from washington, so we dont have much of that lol

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I think it’s a Northeast thing lol


“A lot” is now two in the “entire history” of the school, for those keeping track.


To be fair, for a school like Penn from an underfunded public school in the middle of Washington is a lot

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Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden have children who attended Penn. While only two that does seem like “a lot” of recent Presidents😀


Availability heuristic :upside_down_face:

And sweeping conclusions are being drawn based upon such a small sample size as to be almost meaningless

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Just wondering, was anyone else’s FAFSA status updated recently? Mine went from unsatisfied requirement to submitted on December 8th.

more than a week ago, the dates were changed to 11/28 and 11/30 on few of my documents, but they are still with “submitted” status.

This theme keeps coming back (scroll up in the range of post #50). 88% of enrolled students at Penn had a HS GPA of 3.75 or higher, so we’re talking about edge cases, a couple hundred hooked students.

There was an assertion from this that Penn is less concerned with GPA than its peer institutions, though if you look at the small single-digit differences in the stats and the size of the admitted classes of the peer schools we were talking about, the difference comes down to a handful of seats. It’s not meaningful or even directional.

This thread is polluted with wild claims extrapolated from hunches or misread evidence. Penn is using CAS as the diversity bank to achieve demographic goals? Unsubstantiated and offensive. Mental health challenges as a hook? Huh?

I could go on, but I think I need to quit this thread or I might develop a hook.


Fr ya’ll gotta stop saying random stuff and wait until the 15th. We can do this


So if I meet two kids on Penn’s basketball team I shouldn’t extrapolate that all Penn students are over 6 feet tall?:slightly_smiling_face:


Amen to all of this!!


Joe Biden took his granddaughter to visit Penn not long ago so there is one less seat for others. :smiley:


Yep, she will be following in the footsteps of her cousins. One of whom is a senior and the other a sophomore, I believe.

Guys how scared are we for tmrw

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im into from uk who does a levels . so NOT getting in lols . does anyone know amount of ppl they take from UK specifically wharton ED ?

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