My Stats (Junior):
3.8/4 unweighted
3.88 weighted
(School does not rank)
2210 (650 CR 790 M 770 W 10 Essay)
2270 (760 CR 710 M 800 W 11 Essay)
Superscore SAT: 2350 (760 CR 790 M 800 W)
Taking Math II and Chemistry in June 2015
APs: Lang and Comp, Chem, US Hist (TBD-May 2015)
DECA Regionals 9th-11th (2nd, 2nd, 1st place, respectively)
DECA States 9th-11th (Top 10 in Exam Each Year)
DECA States 10th-11th (Top 10 in Case Study)
DECA States 10th-11th (Top 10 Overall)
DECA States 10th-11th (5th and 3rd place, respectively)
DECA Internationals 10th (Did not place)
Round 1: DECA Internationals 11th (Top 20 International Finalist)
Round 2: DECA Internationals 11th (Top 10 International Finalist)
DECA Hotel Challenge Round 1 (6th in State)
DECA Hotel Challenge Round 2 (5th in State)
Honor Roll (Done each quarter of each year; Made it everytime)
National Honor Society Inductee
FTC Robotics Regional Qualifier 10th-11th (Winner)
FTC Robotics Regional Championships 10th-11th (Finalists)
FTC Robotics PTC Design Award, Rockwell Collins Innovate Award, Inspire Award, Innovate Award
Languages Fluent In:
Hindi, English, Gujurati, Spanish
Medical Club 9th-11th (Executive Board Member: 10th-11th)
DECA 9th-11th (Multiple Awards Winner)
Indian Culture Club 9th-11th (Executive Board Member: 10th-11th)
Robotics Club 9th-11th (Executive Board Member: 10th-11th)
Model United Nations 9th-11th (Went to multiple conferences: SSUNS, CMUNCE, WAMUNC)
Junior Varsity Tennis 9th
Varsity Tennis 10th-11th
Internship at a Autoimmune Research Clinic (150 hours)
Internship for Nanotechnology Research Lab at NYU (TBD-Summer 2015)
Hospital Volunteer (101 hours)
Summer Camp Volunteer (50 hours)
Paid-Marketing Internship SAT Prep Startup Company (TBD-Summer 2015)
DuPont Challenge Participant 9th