University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

No not true, my son’s dorm has free toilet paper… however I bring him the premium type :slight_smile:
Also, Honors LLC is not always in Sutherland.


My kid got an $80,000 scholarship ($20,000 per year). 4.0 gpa unweighted and 1520 SAT. We are so excited!


@Asdf200 congratulations! Do you mind sharing the stats? Major, gpa etc?

@Willwin - more essays? wow!

Thank you for information. Really helpful!

Congratulations! How long did it take between getting admission and scholarship?

Engineering. The weighted gpa is 4.46. Lots of APs, including BC last year and multi variable calc this year.


Less than 3 weeks between acceptance and the merit offer.

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Thank you. We just found about my son’s admission today, will be patient…


Was the merit aid letter emailed, or did you also find it located in the document center?

Pitt emailed and said to check the portal and there was a letter in the portal. Also, thanks everyone for the congratulations!


Amazing and Congratulations!

Congratulations! My daughter has very similar stats. GPA is 4.0/4.4 and SAT 1550. 11 APs already and she’s doing 5 more APs and college multivariable this year too. She got 5k, I don’t know if they give less merit to CS majors.

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Very similar! I’d guess it’s because CS is so competitive.

Are you in state or oos?

was the letter in the mail or email?


She got an email with a link to the document center.

Thank you
