University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

How long after acceptance letter did scholarship take to come in? Thx

Has anyone else’s child received a letter asking for mid year grades? We did not send SAT scores due to difficulty finding test centers during Covid restrictions. My daughter only was able to take them once. She decided to go test optional. Her other stats are 4.0 GPA, honors classes, strong essay and extracurriculars. She is so disappointed and basically thinks this is a rejection. Any advice/thoughts? Thanks!

Yes, my D22 received that letter, too. She applied to SCI for a CS major. Pitt is her top pick, so it was a bit of a blow but she’s holding out hope that it will still lead to an admit. We’re OOS, and she has a 3.5uw/4.5w, so we assume it’s the 3.5uw that has put her on the bubble since everything else seems to line up with their criteria.

My guess is that they just want to make sure the student hasn’t lost focus and is continuing along the with equal rigor. They ask even admitted students to continue to do well in their senior year in school, so the admission is also conditional.

All the best! Is the 4.0 weighted or unweighted?

As I mentioned in the other response, my guess is that they just want to make sure the student hasn’t lost focus and is continuing along with equal rigor. They ask even admitted students to continue to do well in their senior year in school, so the admission is also conditional.

I am curious about the GPA calculation in your school, though. In our school, an honors course gets 0.5 and an AP gets 1 additional point, so an A (4) in an AP course is counts as 5 points. That means maximum difference between unweighted and weighted GPA is 1, and that’s possible when ALL the courses are AP. In your case, I see the difference to be exactly one point, so did she have ALL courses AP? That’s very unusual, and supremely creditable!

All the very best!


That is what I am hoping. Her GPA is 4.067 weighed. I told her to just keep up the hard work and she will land where she is meant to be. It was a bit of a blow though. We expect that she may be on the bubble but were wondering if not sending scores may have hurt. Also, being OOS? Thanks for the reply!!

Also, I am not exactly sure how the GPA is calculated. But to clarify my initial post, she has taken Honors classes. No AP courses. :slight_smile:

Their weighting system is that an A in a level 3 class (gen ed) = 4, level 4 (honors) = 5, and AP = 6. Her actual weighted GPA is 4.5217, I just rounded it for ease of typing! She’ll have 8 total APs, but mostly honors for the rest of her core classes. She had some wobbles with her grades. Mostly As but a couple of Bs and Cs in there.

Thank you for the reply. The “additive points” in your system are 1 and 2, instead of 0.5 and 1 in our school, that explains it.

Again, good luck!

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Actually, having additive points is kind of silly and unfair, because an A changes from 4 to 5 (20% increase) but B changes from 3 to 4 which is a bigger 33.3% increase. The boost you get from higher level classes is less if you do well, which seems a bit unfair. Having a multiplier instead would be more reasonable. Anyway, learning quite a bit about the system…

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I’m wondering if anyone received the letters (acceptance and/or merit) in the mail. We got both in emails and they are also in the portal. Just curious if Pitt stopped sending letters by snail mail.
Congratulations to everyone.
My Daughter applied to Sawnson’s, got accepted within 3 weeks of applying and merit (80K) 2 weeks after. 4.25 GPA, 1470 SAT and tons of AP and other activities.


Congrats to your daughter! We’ve only received info via email (though only acceptance at this point). My son was accepted SCI mid-Sept and hasn’t heard anything about merit so feeling a bit discouraged (GPA 4.0UW/4.8W; ACT 36, strong ECs/leadership). We’re hoping to hear something before their first admitted students day as otherwise I think he’ll wait until spring (and hope it doesn’t conflict with other schools)!


My son was accepted to the College of Business Administration yesterday. Woo-hoo! Now we just need to wait for the letter to hit the portal (and hopefully a merit award in a few weeks). He applied on 10/09 and application was marked as complete on 10/11 (accepted 10/25). OOS, 4.0 U/5.7 W, 1520 SAT, 15 AP classes (10 completed and 5 this year), varsity soccer, FBLA, chess club, etc. We really liked Pitt when we visited this summer!


Congratulations to all on acceptance and merit scholarships. What is the acceptance rate for Pitt Honors? Do you think there is a chance to get in Pitt Honors if you are not offered merit?

May I ask in state or out of state?

Congratulations! In state or out of state please?

We’re OOS with good instate options (VA) but he really liked Pitt!


I can’t imagine he won’t get a nice offer! We are in state and my D with lesser stats received (albeit very small amount) merit.


We’re OOS.

Congratulations! I am sure he would get nice merit award as well. All the best!