University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Any thoughts on whether this surge in applications will influence merit awards? Fortunately we applied last month and have the acceptance but waiting & hoping for merit.

Applied 10/18, haven’t heard anything either.

my son heard today so I’m sure any day now for you!

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When you say the buttons changed, there were a bunch of new button options on the left? Or what changed exactly. My daughters were different today but still no Accept or Decline button.

When you hit Admissions on the left side, then hit accept/decline admissions, it used to say “You Have No Pending Applications”
Now it has the School, major and term and below that to on the bottom right are two rectangle boxes that say Accept and Decline.

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kind of bummer … my son got an email saying no decision until midyear grades. Not exactly surprised, but surprised at the same time, if that makes sense. So, essentially he was deferred. His first quarter grades this year were better than ever including A’s in two AP’s so that may help. So we shall see… Anyone else get that email?


Thank you! Still no news.

Any new news of merit lately? S22 was accepted 2+ weeks ago and he’s checked this week hoping for more info.

my son got that email too that they’re holding off making a decision until mid year grades are in. He asked his guidance counselor and she said that it was pretty common. He didn’t do well his freshman year but his grades improved a lot sophomore and junior year. He received his mid trimester grades (first quarter) and he got all A’s so hopefully it will help him get in.


My son was accepted on 10/25, so we were expecting to hear something this week too. He is actually a little discouraged that he hasn’t been offered any merit aid yet. He was excited when the acceptance came in, but becoming less so every day that he doesn’t hear anything about merit.

Yes, our daughter was accepted at the end of September to nursing, and submitted about 10 days before (19th). She did submit her test scores (31 ACT) and has a 3.85 GPA. No merit or anything, just the acceptance letter, which we did check the portal before getting any notification.

Same here. We have a visit planned next month. Hopefully we have the info by then.

I went through posts and people posted when merit was there and it looked like it was often on Thursday (10/14 and 10/21 at least). I was hoping for today!

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We visited over the summer and really liked Pitt. We’re OOS and have a very good in state option, so Pitt isn’t as appealing without any merit aid. We know that nothing is guaranteed and that he isn’t entitled to a single penny, but based on what others are reporting, it seems that merit should be likely for him. Fingers crossed that all of us waiting for merit get some good news soon!


thanks. Same with my son. He had a definite upwards trend since sophomore year and he had straight a’s this first quarter including 2 AP’s. I mean, it is what it is…he did not put forth enough effort freshman year. So, we shall see

Similar here. We are also OOS. We did some virtual visits and it seems like a great option. I think he wants to go further away than our in-state, so this could work well. But he’d need merit to make it work so we are hopeful. Maybe today.

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Hi there! My D was notified on a Friday 10/15 and letter was put in portal on Weds. hope this helps in some way.


I’m so worried now. I might end with a C in AP Physics C: Mechanics senior year. Since I’ve accepted to Pitt Engineering major, will Pitt rescind my admission because of that? :frowning:

S22 applied on 10/21.
Buttons appeared on Nov/10.
Today he got Admit Letter in his Document Center.


Here’s an article on the topic that would be helpful.

thank you so much for the link!