University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

My son just added Pitt to his college list and is debating whether or not it is worth it to apply to honors or just do a regular application. He is a good student but not a super-student and would be going for something in the humanities. He’s got a 3.65W/4.1W gpa if that helps. Although we are out of state no one from his high school has every been rejected from Pitt (just for context).

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My S22 applied on 10/14, but then it is possible that he reset the application process on 10/31 when he sent Pitt the SRAR, which was not required at Pitt. We will never know. In any event, got the acceptance letter the afternoon of 11/12.


Hi Guys!
I got admitted on Friday (11/12) after applying 10/27 with a completed SRAR on 11/1.
Still waiting for merit aide which hopefully comes soon!
I hope I can get aide because of my ACT score but I’m not sure if that’s how it works at Pitt.
My intended major is neuroscience!

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Applied on Nov8 . I see the Accept/Decline buttons but there is no info when I click on it.

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Pitt merit seems to be directly related to GPA, test scores and essay. With a good ACT score, I would expect that they give you merit scholarship. Which major, by the way? CS seems to be stingy.

Neuroscience! I got a 36 on my ACT so a really really hope they give me something. This is one of my top choices but my parents won’t let me go if I don’t receive merit.

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All the best! On the thread there were a lot of postings with good amount of scholarship, only Comp Science wasn’t providing much money (though they are providing some amount). Are you also applying for any guaranteed admissions or honors? all the best for those as well.

I applied for both their honors and guaranteed med program, although I don’t have any hope for the GAP. Thank you and the same for you!

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Do you think bad sign if my son was accepted mid-Sept, Computer Science, and no merit yet ? He’s OOS, ACT 36, 4.0/4.8, 10 APs, etc…Without significant merit, we couldn’t justify this over our VA in-state options, sigh.

I dont think a wait for merit is a bad thing necessarily. Students are considered and reconsidered during this time until March. I still don’t have a grip on the threshold cutoffs for merit, though. I do think those with 36 ACT scores with corresponding gpas will be awarded something. Good luck to all


We’re still waiting to hear about merit too. My son was accepted on 10/25 (College of Business Administration), but we haven’t heard anything about merit yet. We’re OOS also. SAT 1520, 4.0/5.7, class rank 6/370, 10 APs from grades 9-11 and 5 more this year, varsity soccer, FBLA regional winner, etc. Our situation is also similar to yours in that Pitt makes no sense without good merit, as we have a really good in state option (where both of our older children went).

It does seem that merit awards may have slowed down over the past few weeks. I read on here somewhere that they have twice as many applications as they did at this time last year. I believe that the admissions department also makes merit award decisions, so it could be that the overall volume of applications is having an effect on how quickly merit goes out. Hopefully?

Good luck to your son!

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That’s the case with me as well. I really don’t want to go to my in-state so I would love to get merit from Pitt to justify going. It makes me feel like I should have applied earlier, but I’m just anxiously waiting. I took 10 AP’s, taking 2 more and 3 classes dual-enrolled at Ohio State, and my rank is 9/530. I think my GPA is 4.323/4.0. I have decent EC’s, nothing special honestly, but hopefully enough.

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@wenode Our regional admission counselor told us that test scores are not used in merit scholarship consideration.

Yea, that’s what the web site says also. They use a more holistic process. I am guessing it is because they are now test optional. I don’t remember if it was that way or not last year. It also clearly states to apply early because as the December deadline approaches scholarship funding decreases.

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Thanks for this information, @13street and @sparkleybarkley . I didn’t know this, and I find it hard to believe. Thanks

In general for all TO colleges, they cannot unsee the score if you have submitted it. Once all the EDs are out, it should open up more merit money. Hoping for the best.Merit money and safety are very important criteria for us.

My daughter applied by the early action deadline, 11/1, and has only received an email saying they’ve received many, many applicants are are doing the best they can to get through them all. Do you think this is a bad sign? I’ve seen many on here that were accepted with two weeks, so I’m a bit worried.

I would not worry. It took me a month to get my acceptance. Also, someone stated earlier that Pitt has a record number of applications so it is taking longer. Good luck :four_leaf_clover: I am sure it is coming soon!

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I think Pitt’s rolling admissions acceptance process is brilliant from the school’s perspective. It preempts kids from applying to other schools. There was a list of applications my S planned to send in November and December, and he has not worked on any of them since he got into Pitt. He blew off the whole weekend, and I believe one deadline passed yesterday, so I guess that school is off the list. I guess it is a good thing he sent several applications out early action because otherwise we might be done with the process.


very true! My son feels the same way. Pitt is in his top school’s list and the rolling process is quite amazing and builds confidence. They’re pretty efficient