University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread


Hi my OOS D22 is trying to apply to Pitt (rather late, we realize :frowning_face:) but is not sure she’s doing it right?! She submitted both the Common App and SRAR today but we don’t know how to ensure the SRAR will get linked to her Pitt file.

SRAR says the Pitt status is incomplete, with 2 messages:

Link Status
If you have completed an application for admission (either through the University of Pittsburgh Online Application, Common Application, or Coalition), your SRAR will be automatically linked withing 3-5 days assuming you used the same email address for both your application and SRAR. If it has been more than five days or if you applied using a different email address, please contact Student Support using the “Help” button above

Sent Status
You will need to link your SRAR and your University of Pittsburgh application record together before your SRAR can be sent.

The Link Status says she doesn’t need to do anything, and the SRAR will link automatically in 3-5 days. But the Sent Status says she needs to link them together?

Thanks for your help!

Has anyone received Honor College decisions?

I think Honors comes out in March. Maybe February.

I think it can take a few days to update. I would check again Monday and if it doesn’t seem resolved you could call the AO.

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Congratulations to both your kids. Could either of you tell me their stats? My son applied October 14th, was accepted October 28th for Engineering. I was hoping for something regarding Merit awards by now. I’m starting to think he may not get anything. I’m a little surprised at that considering his grades, etc., but it is what it is. Any insight you could provide is much appreciated.

Trying to post this to Luanne & nervous_dad, but not sure I did it right:
Congratulations to both your kids. Could either of you tell me their stats? My son applied October 14th, was accepted October 28th for Engineering. I was hoping for something regarding Merit awards by now. I’m starting to think he may not get anything. I’m a little surprised at that considering his grades, etc., but it is what it is. Any insight you could provide is much appreciated.

Ok will let her know, thank you so much!

Sure. I bet they are just overwhelmed! He has a 4.0 UW and is a full IB diploma candidate with 4 AP classes as well. He had a 1530 SAT.

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Anyone has any update on GMP?

Just got my admission letter today. Applied on Nov. 1, got accepted on Dec.2.
Also applied GMP, but nothing updates yet.


Congratulations! May I ask what your stats are? Still waiting here with a submission around the same time.

The process has slowed down considerably…Based on our experience merit decisions went from 2 weeks after admissions to roughly 5 weeks. I think Pitt is sticking to their regular play book regardless of the higher number. I’m sure if you are in range with others on the forum you will get some merit, except CS which seems to be a little less motivated.
for Daughter 4 UW /4.2 W , 5 AP + 2 college classes 35 ACT, decent EC probably not stellar essays


Really important that SRAR and common app have the same e-mail address associated. If that’s the case give it a few days and it will take care of itself.

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Question - Application moved from pending to complete, and now Accept and Decline button is available for my daughter to select. No letter (yet?) in the document center - - but I assume this means she got in?? He application was complete on 10/26…so timing seems about right to hear.


Great thank you. I’m sure she did so we’ll just be patient. :slight_smile: Trying to read through this entire thread as there’s so much helpful info here. Thanks everyone for sharing! Congrats to all who already got in and good luck to all!!


Did you wind up getting an official letter? My daughter sees ‘accept decline’ buttons in the portal but no admissions letter yet in her document portal. Would think this means she got in???

Once the accept/decline buttons show up, it generally takes a day or two for the letter to appear in the portal. Just keep checking!


My DD applied in mod October. Application is complete. We have not heard on decision anything yet. Is it normal?

thank you!! my unweighted gpa is 3.96/4 and weighted is 4.412/5
did not send in SAT nor ACT score, apply through common app.

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