University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Is anyone familiar with the guaranteed nursing admission/graduate program? Still have to take GRE if on NP track, and can one take a gap year after the undergrad degree to work a bit then start again? Thanks!

D22 and I were at the admitted student day today! Was chock full of student reps explaining their accomplishments and what resources at the university have helped them achieve what they have. There are very smart kids at Pitt doing such impressive research.

We had a general welcome, a session specific to the Dietrich School (other schools had their own sessions), we opted to then go to a session about the Honors Program, then one on Student Life before going on a campus tour. There was also a Financial Aid session that we didn’t attend.

Very well run with tons of information and time for questions. Buildings we were in were clean, bright, very nice. Campus had a great vibe to it – was cold, but the sky was blue and students all around.

Look into the Living Learning Communities, the majors, minors AND certificate programs, and the OCC program (Outside of the Classroom Curriculum). Lots going on at Pitt, kids just need to go to the appropriate advisor or office.

Half of the Dietrich session featured a panel of professors who also advise students. One from physics, one from theater/stage creation, and one from political science. I was impressed.

D22 said she really likes Pitt, can see herself there, it has edged out another School at top of her list, and she’s hoping to get into Honors. She also interviewed for the Stamps and Nordenberg scholarships about a month ago. Will find out if she made it to the next round in mid January. Very exciting and promising. H2P!!


Thanks for the feedback on your campus visit. Congrats to your daughter. I am heading to Pittsburgh with S22 Saturday for an in person College of Business Administration presentation followed by a campus tour. He has already been accepted but we haven’t seen the campus yet - just virtual visits/presentations. After reading your post I’m really looking forward to our trip…and we won’t forget the long johns.


Forgot to mention that I asked the Honors College Dean (she’s new to Pitt as of July 2021), what percentage of kids were accepted from those who apply. Interestingly, she said this year may be different because they’ve had a lot for applicants, but it’s usually 33%. So it may be lower this year.

But also want to add that my D22 and I even talked about the possibility of her not getting in to Honors, and how Pitt would still be a wonderful option because you could still pursue and test out your interests and do research, etc. even without Honors. And apply again if it’s still something you want as a sophomore. These kids get involved with student groups and just flourish.


For Dietrich did they talk about undeclared advising at all?

@mom2cats , yes, that was brought up. One of the faculty advisors said that she meets with students in their first year, and hears their goals, desires. When undecided, she said she encourages them to try different classes that are fulfilling gen eds and then she has a follow up. Over time, the students are seeing what they do like, and likewise, eliminating areas they know they dislike and she seemed very good at helping to steer these kids into areas they enjoy pursuing. The other faculty were nodding as if this is the way it’s done.

Of course, our kids need to follow up and seek out their advisors in this type of situation or any other situation that they need advice, so that they are checking in, and getting to know their advisor. She said she often writes letters of recommendation for students for grad school in areas that are not hers because she has gotten to know students over time.


Its been 3 weeks since seeing ACCEPT/DECLINE buttons but no decision yet . Any one who applied on Oct 31 or later , receive acceptance?

applied 10/19
accept letter 11/8
merit 11/23
35 ACT, 800 Math SAT, 4.5 GPA, OOS
$5k a year


Anyone else apply from Massachusetts?? DD applied 10/23, the application was marked complete on 10/27. She sent the admissions counselor an email last night to provide an update about an award and received an auto-reply that he was, unfortunately, leaving Pitt, and to direct email to generic admissions email address. Wondering if this is why she hasn’t received a decision despite others with similar profiles and timeline posting that they have been notified.

Where can we see that the application is complete? We’ve been looking all over the portal and there’s just one document about his PeopleSoft number in the document center. Thank you for your help!

In message 179 in this thread there are instructions on how to see more details. But there are also other ways and places to see it. It’s a really convoluted system! So in some places that I look, the application says complete, and it some places it says pending. And it’s been like that for weeks.

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Complete and pending probably mean the same thing - the application is complete and the review/decision is pending. Incomplete would be if they’re waiting on the SRAR or test scores and can’t review yet.

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If you look back at post #384, I gave instructions on how to see if the application is complete. The Pitt portal is a bit confusing and not at all intuitive! I would repeat the instructions here, but I honestly can’t remember them and I’m not exactly sure how to copy and paste within CC.

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My D received an acceptance letter in her Document Central on 11/19 but we still do not see accept/decline buttons! Such a complicated portal!


This is post #384


Thank you so much! I was finally able to see that the application is marked as complete.

How long after submission and SRAR completion does it typically take until application marked as complete?

I also applied on 10/27 and it still says “you do not have any pending applications at this time.” Not sure what to make of this.

Thank you Luanne. The merit letter showed up today for D22 in bioengineering for $20k/year. I must say Pitt is perculating to the top 2 really fast on daughter’s list. Especially the merit award makes it real easy to compare to our state’s flagship , and as you know all of our kids seem to want to be as far away from home as possible :slight_smile:


It’s definitely odd wording, but it just means that they haven’t made a decision on your application yet.

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