University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

SRAR is something that HAS to be filled out online. It is the only way the Pitt accepts grades from high school. They do not accept just official transcript from the school so this is something that your DD should have definitely done or she will not be considered.

Admission process may go faster with SRAR but it is NOT mandatory. My DS did not fill one out because his counselor had already sent his transcript, and he was admitted (and offered $) without any issue.


Oh I did not know this! Was told by numerous people it was mandatory. Good to know, thank you for clarifying!

@ABW22003 - She probably has already filled this since UPitt emails have clearly outlined this in their emails. Even if she has missed this step, it’s not too late. Since UPitt has rolling admissions, your DD could fill out SRAR now. She could also reach out to the undergrad admissions from UPitt. They are very helpful.

You also spoke about Status check. This is different from SRAR. Your DD should have received an email from UPitt with information on how she could activate her account where she would be able to check her status. This is a standard step for all the colleges

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UPitt admissions staff is very helpful, they will actually take the phone call without putting you on hold and provide thorough resolution.


@jgt7448 - honors admission results wont be out until Feb or March


We also thought SRAR was required so had D complete it without knowing for sure.

I later found the FAQ’s (Admission FAQ’s - Admissions | University of Pittsburgh), which say that students who submitted transcripts are not required to submit the SRAR, but by not submitting it they will have a longer application processing time.

Students who only submitted grades vie Common or Coalition Apps should definitely complete the SRAR as Pitt won’t access those grades. If they only submit grades via Common/Coalition App, Pitt will send them a link to complete SRAR.

So basically all students should just submit them ASAP to get the fastest application review. :slight_smile:

Thanks! I’ll check. I think her portals at all schools are set. She said one was confusing “AF”. HAHA! Was Pitt or Penn State.

gotcha - thank you :slight_smile:

Probably Pitt! Not very user friendly.

So does anyone see a trend line on test-optional admissions/rejections and merit yes/merit no?

I ask because we went on a tour over the summer (my kid is a 2023 applicant) and the tour guide told us that test scores would not be used, even if they were submitted.

I frankly think this is BS - if that were the case they’d be test-blind, wouldn’t they?


Their website says this year test scores will not be used for merit scholarships.

Has anyone heard about GAP Medicine?

I agree with @Gatormama and find it really hard to believe test scores aren’t used for merit if they have them to see.

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All evidence shows that GPA is more indicative of how a student will perform in college. And the pandemic really affected the ability of many students to do their best on standardized tests. I do believe this method is true now and if it is successful, will be the future.


If it’s true, and your point makes sense with TO being common, then that will bode well for my D22, I hope. It is hard for me to believe, though, if they have the scores to see.


I saw that my daughter has a couple new letters in her document folder. Based upon the labels, I am guessing one is an acceptance, and one is a guarantee letter. She applied Biology, but did not apply for the guarantee program. I’ll wait until she opens the letters to see the details!


On the Pitt website, it says that the SRAR is optional. It may just take more time for the application to be processed. My school told me to not fill it out and just sent my official transcript.

tbh, sometimes GPA doesn’t mean that much. as in my school if you are assigned to a “good” teacher then you get a good grade (as long as you do your homework/assignments and turn in on time), but if opposite then you’re very likely to get a B or under rather than an A (unless you get high score in tests). teachers determine your GPA sometimes lol


All the best! They do sometimes give guaranteed admissions even if you didn’t apply for it. My son was admitted to bioengg, and given guaranteed masters admission that he did not apply for.