University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

I dont see a status in the Doc Center at all (either Pending or Complete). The only thing in the Doc Center is the words “Your Admissions Documents” at the top and then that useless PDF file that has the Pitt ID in it. There are no other items, words, information or links, other than the generic links at the bottom of the page.

Daughter applied Dietrich 11/26, accepted 2/4, no request for mid-year grades.

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Same for me. I don’t see a status in the Doc Center. Only thing is the letter requesting his mid-year grades from Oct. On the application portal site ( under the Self Service tab , his application is marked as Complete. Under the HighPoint tab his application is marked as Pending. Guess the waiting continues!

Under that is a “commit to pitt” link. Then you press “pay your deposit” and on the left hand menu there is a link for admission and status. Click that. It will either say pending or complete. It will not allow you to pay or anything so don’t worry about that. It’s a glitch I think that this “commit to Pitt” is accessible. It is also deceiving as it implies you are in when that is not necessarily true

See my reply to C below.

Is it just me or is Pitt’s online services/portal very poorly designed? Is this an indication as to how the school is administered in general? The online portal is by far the most confusing and non user friendly of any of the schools with which we have interacted.

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Ah, the Commit to Pitt link, for a while it stopped working, gave some sort of error or bad link (I don’t recall exactly), but I noticed yesterday it is working again. Nice that it gives you confetti. Also, the link for Attend Admitted Student Day does seem to work, at least the first click or two does, I never took it to the next steps. This portal is a maze within a maze. :slight_smile:

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Ah yes, that “commit to pitt” link redirects back to the application portal where his application still says pending so ultimately landing on the same site as if you use and then click on the HighPoint section. At this point, think my son just wants to know either way so he can decide from a few others if its a no.


Great news!! D22 got her official letter today - she is a Stamps Scholar!!!


Congrats! That’s wonderful news.

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congrats! how very exciting!!! wow!!!

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Yes, it’s so deceiving with the confetti.

Woo hoo!! Congrats to your D!! :partying_face: :clap:

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My daughter applied SCI 12/1, accpted 2/11. No request for mid-year grades.
Good luck to your daughter @AnonDad2026 ! :crossed_fingers:

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I just wanted to echo what someone said earlier and thank everyone for the helpful conversation here. When my son originally applied to Pitt it was one of the schools on his list that I was least interested in for him. I just thought smaller (like have the size or less) would be so much better for him, and something a little more contained and traditional campus feeling would be better. But he loved so much about Pitt. Then we visited last summer and I was so impressed. Still thought I wouldn’t put it at the top of his list, but I wasn’t negative thinking anymore. Well, overtime his interest has only grown, and the more I read about it and the more people I interact with, the more I love it. Right now it’s one of his top choices. Unless he gets in and gets some truly stellar merit aid from the school he has yet to hear from, I think it will be Pitt. He got into Honors, which makes me happy as I think that addresses some of my concern about how to make a large school feel smaller, and he got some merit aid. Frankly, even if the other schools he’s gotten in to are a better in his program, the cost differential is so appreciable the “reputation in major” differential is really wiped out.

We can’t visit for any admitted students days (he plays a spring sport, and everything was so ruined the last two years due to COVID, he doesn’t want to miss any of it his senior year) so thank you to everyone who has shared their experiences and reflections on that. It’s really helped to personalize the experience and the school for me.


Congratulations, sounds like it’s going to work out


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@Bfritton- their payment portal is very straightforward!:grin:



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Congrats and best of luck to her! I stayed on this thread to see if she got it because you were so nice to others and she sounds like a great kiddo :slight_smile: My son just committed to GWU Elliott School of International Affairs.
Hail 2 Pitt
Raise High