University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

That is such a nice thing to say. I enjoy it on this thread, too.


The assumption about advising may vary by college. I am guessing that your assessment could be correct for Dietrich, but I got a different impression about the college of business administration. When we attended admitted students day, one CBA senior said that advising was excellent and the best part of the program. Older students we know in the program also seem happy with the advising.

My anecdotes aren’t first hand, though, so I hope I am saying the same things in a year!


I agree! Thank you everyone who has offered valuable information about the school, students, city, and Pitt programs. I wish my D22 was on here to read all this information. I’ll definitely be sharing it with her! We are headed to Pitt for “Admitted Student Day” April 9th. Can’t wait!


Us too, hope to see you there!

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Not to make it too simplistic, but I think it’s just the bigger the school, the less personal the advising. Anything that can make it smaller, whether it be Honors or a specific program, will be beneficial to certain students.
My nephew, who is very quiet and hesitant, had a horrible time with advising at Penn State.


True, thats what I hear. Friend’s son is in UCLA - rankings are great, but advising not so. He isn’t happy with advising though he’s tried reaching out multiple times

My son is in Sutherland honors
Housing and loves it. Food is better that at Towers too. It’s a quieter dorm.


Same here. D applied early action was asked to submit 2nd semester grades approx 3-4 weeks ago. Still no decision. We have heard from all others in some capacity. School of Nursing.

@colonelmike64 Yes honors college students register early every semester, I don’t know firsthand but there are lots of grumbling parents on FaceBook whose kids did not get classes they wanted. My daughter got her classes this semester and then one class got cancelled and she told me there was “literally nothing left.” She ended up adding an online stats course. Of course, they overenrolled by 1,000 kids this year so that doesn’t help matters. Hopefully that will be better next year.


Please email the mid-term grades to the admissions office. Mine was pending for 3 months even after updating the SARR report and the status changed to waitlisted in the document center after emailing the grades to the admissions office.

Applied: 12/11
Waitlisted: 3/1
4.0/4.6 GPA
35 ACT
15 APs (5s and 4s)
Decent ECs

He accepted waitlist.
The search continues…



I imagine applying earlier would have been helpful.


Definitely because of the December app. I don’t think OOS helped, either. They’d probably make room in-state, even if that late. Good luck with your search. That’s a great profile, obviously.

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That must have played a big role, unless they are yield protecting. Those are some strong stats. Wishing you the best with future developments here!

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Also, the business school is relatively small so late app plus numbers game. Good luck. He’ll land where he’s supposed to.

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Yes. It also said I would know by June 1.

Thanks. The “To Do” that had been listed on his application since October to send mid year grades was removed about two weeks ago a few days after his mid year grades were sent through Naviance by his HS and SRAR was updated. We assumed that meant that the mid year grades were received. He is sending an email to the Admissions office and the rep for our area to see if there is anything additional needed. It could be that he is just caught up in the number of applications still under review :crossed_fingers:

So, while my D’s app sits in limbo (which I guess is irrelevant at this point since all the money is gone), I have a question. Did everybody who had not heard before January get a request for mid-year grades (even if application says complete)? No request for midyear grades here.

My daughters changed from pending to complete on the document center two days ago. I have no idea what that means but we are supposed to visit 3/14 and it would be nice to know if she’s in or out before I drive 8 hours to Pittsburgh. I wonder if she should just ask. They never asked for her mid year grades.