University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

My daughter is in Nordenberg and her floor seems to be really quiet. She hasn’t really met anyone else on her floor, so it may be too quiet, or that may also be a function of her being reserved/shy.

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I wasn’t sure if you meant somewhere officially on campus. My daughter will be in Here next year…if it gets done in time!

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Those unofficial apartments mentioned above are nicer and a better location than the official Pitt apartment style ones. Except Bouquet Gardens, that location is prime. :slight_smile: I’ll have to check out Here.

The campus is pretty compact so upper campus is not far from lower campus. You just have to climb the hill but there are buses if you’re tired, in a hurry, etc. My daughter lived on upper campus one year and played viola. Once a week she had a late lesson and had to cart the viola home at the end. She always took the bus for that. Normally she walked.

Also, on the subject of on and off campus apartments. Lots of off campus apartments are as close to the campus as the dorms are. Of course you can go farther away and they are probably cheaper, but that’s a choice. My son (currently a senior) has been at Skyvue for three years. Someone said it is on campus but it’s not. It’s a few blocks down the street. But, it’s right across the street from Carlow, which someone else mentioned is too far from campus, so you can see it’s all a matter of perspective and people will have different opinions about the same distance.


Here is on Forbes and is closer to campus than both SkyVue and Bridge in Forbes. My daughter is a business major and will be about as close to Sennott as she was when she was in Nordenberg.

It is in mid-construction and has a ways to go to hit the move-in date.

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My S19 is graduating this month as well! Being a local and born at Magee, I never thought of Pitt as a college “campus”. It’s busy Oakland which emcompasses Forbes and Fifth Avenues and some side streets. But that’s my Pittsburgh perspective :slight_smile:

@CCName1 I I pass this construction site weekly. I figured it was housing.
Awesome location!

That’s good to know. Thanks! Is your daughter in the Music LLC? Wondering how hard it is to get into the Music LLC to live in Nordenbergh.

No, she isn’t in any LLC. She listed Nordenberg on her housing and got it.

If you look through last year’s Pitt post, i do think someone applied to the Music LLC. Let me know if you can’t find it and I will do a search.

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It is not “far” but my daughter said she was so glad she didn’t get what she thought she wanted ie: Sutherland. She is in Holland and loves it (minus the no AC) Definintely seems to be more social and a lot of campus activities are down that way and she feels more in the “heart of things”

I think all incoming freshman should be prepared to not get any of their housing choices honestly. Most of my daughter’s friends did not (non Honors)

I think the bigger issue is Sophomore year honestly. My daughter chose to move off campus to a new apartment complex that is right in the middle of campus (HERE). The lottery is a huge headache!!

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There wasn’t a whole lot of info about the Music LLC at Pitt. I’m just curious how competitive it is especially since my son is not a music major/minor… He’s interested because there’s no LLC for Computer Science students.

Norenburg is the newest dorm. Definitely quieter than towers. Honestly, I would not overthink all of this. If he is interested in the music llc than request it. He will meet other CS majors in class. I wouldn’t try to pre determine the other students’ majors that he wants to live with.


Winky1, I want to say thank you for being an inspiration for others on this page. Even though my student won’t choose Pitt, I have appreciated this thread and your input. I wish you and your family all the best. Pitt is amazing, I can tell. It’s just not in the cards for us. Take care!:smiling_face:


I do not think Carlow dorms are far away at all. Just further down fifth, but right there by hospitals.

My D22 likes Sutherland a lot and takes the campus shuttle back there instead of walking up the hill. She opted to stay on upper campus in Panther Hall next year as a sophomore. Panther and Irvis Halls on upper campus are like Nordenberg on lower campus. Construction on upper campus starts and stops like a work day, not too early and not too late. They are building the new Victory Heights complex now on upper campus.

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My D22 is in a 6 person suite. 2 students to each room and the 6 share a bathroom. She likes to eat at the Perch cafeteria there. She’ll also do mesl exchanges over at the Pete where there is a Chik fil a and other places for food.


@Scooby22 that is so kind of you! You are so welcome. Pitt is an amazing school, but there are so many amazing schools out there. Where is your student attending?

I do love Pitt, am an alum from back in the day, and 3 of my kids are Panthers even though none of them thought they’d be when the process started. True. Pitt has so much to offer and is very hot right now. I really like sharing what I know. I find the whole college process fascinating, and I’ve become jaded about it for sure since I’ve been through it a few times. Definitely love the school that loves you back.

For those musical kids out there - do not be intimidated about auditioning for the Pitt Band! Yes there are 2 hr. practices 3x a week in the fall, but they are with awesome kids and is so much fun for my D22! Those band kids represent that university out in the community, at campus events, bowl games, on the field at halftime, etc. Amazing! Everything is funded through the athletic dept. Not a cut throat band to make, the vibe is a comfortable one, not too intense.
D22 is also in Symphonic Band - another great option for 2nd semester. 2 concerts and they play at commencement.
See yinz at the football games this fall! Can’t wait for that Backyard Brawl!! Congratulations to those incoming Panthers!
Always Hailing, H2P!

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My daughter got two full tuition scholarships (Scranton and Fordham) and acceptance at Holy Cross. These along with a bunch of others not worth mentioning at this point. She is going to finalize her choice soon.


It absolutely is far if you have most of your classes in the Frick Fine Arts building and they are night classes (and you are a girl). If my kid wanted to go to Carlow, they would have applied there.
Pitt is trying to work on their housing crunch. New next year are 3 person suites in Bridge on Forbes.
I love your optimism @Winky1 always have, but there are some things that can be improved. Another being if you are not in the Honors College, it can be very challenging to get in a lot of classes you need. Perhaps keeping admissions numbers lower would help.


I have to push back on this a little. My son is not in honors college and my daughter was in it but back before they had the registration advantage. Neither kid had a big issue with getting classes. There were a couple times it came up that something filled before it was their turn to pick but it was not a consistent problem. The worst semester for all students, in my experience, is registering for second semester freshmen year because you are dead last in priority. My son couldn’t get any required classes in his major that semester and it did disappoint him but he did get them first semester sophomore year and it ended up not setting him back at all. He just knocked off more gen eds.

Also, Bridge on Forbes isn’t that much closer to campus than Carlow. Maybe one block?


Curious about your daughter’s major re: most classes in Frick and struggling to register (major classes, gen eds, or both?)

Pitt is one of D24’s top choices right now. She’d be a film major.

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