University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

My daughter will be attending the admitted students day next week for Dietrich. Can someone tell me if there will there be breakout sessions for intended majors? That would be key for her. Is there a way to connect with a current student in her intended major, Psychology? Additionally, will there be information given to Honors students about the program and tours of the honors housing as part of the day?

My daughter was exploring attending Pitt last year and during the process she reached out to an Ambassador. You can find this information here and email the person directly. I see a couple of psychology majors in the list. Dietrich School Student Ambassadors | Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences | University of Pittsburgh

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For any that are interested and haven’t yet seen the 2023-2024 academic calendar, I just found it today so I figured I’d share.


Yes! First, the whole group meets at Alumni Hall for a brief welcome. Then everyone breaks out into their school of choice - Dietrich, SCI, Engineering, etc
Within your daughter’s school of choice, I’m sure you’ll be able to learn more about her intended major. I would reach out personally to someone in the Psychology dept to see if she can speak to someone about the dept! I don’t remember if there’s info about Honors. After the school/major info session, you will either go to lunch at The Eatery OR take a campus tour/city tour. After that, you can go back to Alumni Hall to talk to financial aid, admissions, etc
Remember to pick up your daughter’s Pitt shirt!

Accepted Students Day was awesome for my son! Pitt made a huge impression on him - so much that Pitt jumped to the #1 spot and eventually my son committed!

Good luck and have fun!


Hi all, my daughter is admitted for fall 2023 but we did not apply honors . She is premed . How much of a difference In college experience can we expect without honors ?

It will be totally fine without honors! She won’t be denied of enriching opportunities. Congrats, and she can apply for sophomore year if she wants


When exactly can they apply? During spring of their freshman year or fall of their sophomore year? Do honors kids get to stay in Sutherland their sophomore year again?

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The main difference you will see early on is that she will have more challenges in registering for courses than she might have had she gotten to register earlier as an honors student.

Other than that, she will have many opportunities for research, it won’t impact her med school applications, her social experiences will be equally rich

I would not decide against Pitt on this basis, especially because she could apply to honors later if she is still interested. But I think it’s relevant to mention that scheduling is tougher for non-honors students, and that she won’t be able to apply for honors LLC housing. You couldn’t pay my daughter to live at Sutherland, lol, but it is an option that a lot of kids are happy to have.


Sutherland is a beautiful dorm. big rooms, a/c, private bathroom, near the gym and The Pete. 740 freshman. Yes, on upper campus but a nice freshman dorm. Additionally, there are many non honors students in Sutherland.

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I understand the benefits and as I said, it’s an option many kids are happy to have, but not living there isn’t the end of the world.

I know non-honors kids who live there and like it, honors kids who love it, as well as kids (both honors and not) who are happier living elsewhere.

I think they apply after 1st semester and if grades hit a certain threshold. Im sure it’s online. Lots of specialty hospitals within walking distance for any pre health students

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And i dont think sophomore honors students stay in Sutherland. It’s for freshmen. However, they do have housing for upperclass honors students. My D22 tried to get it this year, but she and her friends had a bad lottery number. But she will be living with 1 of her current honors roommates. Your daughter may not care about honors housing after meeting her friends freshman year.

And i dont think priority class registration starts until 2nd semester freshman year.

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What gpa do honors students need to maintain? Are there additional classes they need to take? Thanks for the info!

Im sure it’s all online. No specifics classes


@Winky1 @CCName1 Thank you! I needed more coffee but I was able to google it and found the info. Appreciate the help!

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My son graduated last Spring and was in Sutherland freshman year then in an upper class apartment style dorm then in South Oakland apartments. Most rooms in Sutherland are in a suite format with 3-4 doubles per suite. The doubles are enormous. My older son at UConn had a tiny prison cell like the equally tiny rooms we saw at UMd, but not Sutherland. The place is laid out more like an old hotel with wide hallways which basically become gathering areas. It also has the cafeteria and the store and a busy lobby. So, its true towers are more lively but Sutherland has a large number of kids per floor and places to bump into people so it made it easy to find kindred spirits. Sure, it’s up the hill, which stinks, and Nordy and Towers are right at the center of campus, but I think Sutherland is in the sweet spot between those dorms in terms of social life.


Well we are officially done waiting for Pitt. A year ago it was my daughters first choice. She didn’t think she’d have any trouble getting in but she was first accepted at Bradford and then waisted at main. She accepted and paid her deposit at another PA school who gave her so much in merit, that she couldn’t pass it up. We knew that even if she eventually got off the waitlist that there would be no way she’d get money and as much as she liked Pitt, no school is worth that price tag being out of state.
Good luck to those attending and those waiting!!! And if you don’t get off the waitlist
love the school that loves you back!


Also popping in to say goodbye to Pitt. Son was accepted early (applied August 1st). No merit, WL honors. He absolutely loves Pittsburgh, he attended admitted student day, visited in junior year, and has friends that go there. It was never about the school not being a place he wanted to go.

Then, hahaha, he visited Bama. Everyone says “if you don’t want your kid to go to Bama, don’t let them visit.” They are correct.

He committed before he left town.


I’ve enjoyed following your son’s journey and wishing him all the best in his next exciting chapter! And thank you --Gatormama for adding much needed humor, wisdom, and perspective to these threads:)