University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

My daughter submitted 8/1. She got notice on 8/16 that her application was under review. She received an email on 9/10 to check her portal. The letters were dated 9/8. So about 6 weeks from start to finish and pitts website says 6-8. Hopefully you will hear soon. Good luck!


For my daughter it was about 3 weeks between that notification and her email to check the portal.

It goes from review to pending to complete. How long from pending until complete?

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For us it was a shade over two weeks to get from pending to complete.

Ours changed to pending today once the SRAR finally went through.


Submitted 9/2
Portal activated 9/7
SRAR Submitted 9/8
Moved to Review 9/9
Accepted 9/13

Swanson School of Engineering with guaranteed eligibility for the Masters Program (they don’t do automatic admit, as you need to meet the HS reqs and then have a cumulative 3.5 at Pitt)

PA Resident
Common App
Applied for Honors as well

4.0 unweighted/4.988 unweighted
1560 SAT (one sitting)
6 AP/1 IB (through 11th) — 2 AP/2IB (Senior); 5 DEs; 1 Outside College Class on own time; Multivariable Calculus at Johns Hopkins (Senior); all Honors classes where not available for AP/IB/DE

IB Certificate
AP Scholar with Distinction

Varied EC with multiple leadership roles

Various Community volunteer work, including independent international service trip this past summer

Part of STEM project collaborating with a team in Ireland and presenting at an international conference

3 year varsity swimmer competing/medaling at the District and State level and hopefully this year will make 4 (does not plan for NCAA athletics, possibly club or intramural)

Full time summer lifeguard 2020-22

Relieved and happy, as she loves Pitt
 and it’s in state. :grin:


wow, such high stats!!! Congrats!!!

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Thanks. She’s self-driven. Being the third of 4, I think you either feel you need to compete with the older ones or you let them carry the load for the family. She falls into the former category.

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Congrats. Did she also apply for any GAP programs at Pitt?

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In engineering, there is no separate GAP application. You are automatically considered for the graduate school as long as you meet the high school criteria. She meets that criteria so the acceptance letter has her marked as an eligible candidate for the masters program in engineering. They do require students to have completed an engineering degree through Swanson with an overall GPA of 3.5 at Pitt.


And ugh
 4.988 weighted. :woman_facepalming:t2:

Submitted 8/10
Moved to review 8/17
How you’ll hear email 8/23
Accept/Decline buttons 9/14

Dietrich School A&S
Did not report SAT/ACT
3.6ish uw/4.4 w
Strong ECs: 2 clubs, 2 ap classes, 2 DE credits (6 by graduation), lots of honors classes, 3 varsity sports, all state & other awards, job worked for 3 years, unique essay

Super happy & relieved, didn’t expect it just based on the competitiveness. To anyone comparing themselves to the 4.0 uw/1500 SAT applicants (well done to those of you!!!), stay hopeful!!


FANTASTIC! Especially the test optional part!! Congrats!!

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Thank you!! :laughing:

just got the “how you will hear” and “your application moved to review” email!!! my stomach is in knots!!


@winky1, Pitt asks the same essay question for the PA Stamps Scholarship as they asked for the Honors College, only with a higher word limit (it’s a separate application). Is it okay to submit the same essay to both?

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Ooh, I didn’t know that.
paging @Winky1 – what did your D do?? (Stamps & HC essay prompts are the same; did she submit different essays?)

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My kid hasn’t gotten any letter but he went to pitt passport portal thingy and saw Accept/Decline Buttons under enrollment

His said college of business. Sounds like he is in, but we’ll see. App was submitted around 9/1 direct from pitt’s website.


Have no fear, Stamps Seekers!! Lol!! D22 submitted a different essay for each prompt that was the same prompt. However, she had emailed someone about this before submitting, and was told it was ok to submit the same essay. But, why not give them more of yourself? If Pitt staff for Stamps is looking hard at a student, you’ve got to assume they are reading and considering everything they have on a student, right? I dont know this for certain, but why not assume this and use it as an opportunity to show them more!

Btw, what is the Stamps/Nordenberg and Honors prompt this year?

Best of luck!! The effort is so worth it.


Feeling this more and more everyday

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