University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Application status was just marked complete and Accept/Decline button became visible in portal today. OAFA document center still does not have letter other stated they saw prior to the buttons becoming available.

Also noticed yesterday that it appeared there were more option cards available in the myPitt portal than from a few days. However, clicking on the new cards yesterday still gave errors that access for those additional services were not available.

GPA: 3.2/4W 5.6/8W
SAT: 1360 super / 1340 best
Honors/AP/Dual Enroll: 11/9/7
Rank: 266 / 507
Residency: Non-Resident (Out of State)
Early Action: Yes
Applied: 11/7/22
Decision Date:
Major: Computer Science, Sch Computing and Information

  • Math: Alg1 (7th grade), Geom (8th), Alg 2 (9th), Calc 1 (10th), Calc 2/AP Calc BC (11th), Financial Literacy 11th, Calc 3 /Multivariable Calc (12th), AP Statistics
  • Science: Biology H (9th), Chem H/DE (10th), AP Physics 1(11), AP Physics C: Mechanics (12th), AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism (12th)
  • Stem: AP Comp Sci A (DE), AP Comp Sci PR (DE), Robotics, Engineering, Computer Graphics, Apex Technologies
    Resume: 3 jobs paid, 1 unpaid internship
    ECs: Starting Varsity Wrestler as Freshman, Comp Sci Club, Future Engineers, 4th Division World Robotics Championship, Robotics State Semifinalist, Standford U AI Camp multiple sessions
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Any idea when honors decisions are coming out this year?

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They’ve said by March 1.

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Please help me on below question .

What is difference between BSN Nursing honors vs regular class in PITT. If we dont get HONOR’s class is this is worth to join in PITT. I am from Boston, MA.

As per US news rating we selected this PITT school.

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I have one child in the Honors College and one that is not. For the one that is, he would have taken honors classes even if he was not in the honors college. He likes the challenge. As for the BSN honors, I am not familiar with the difference, Here’s a link to the Nursing honors information.

Not that I don’t love Pitt, but is it worth the out-of-state tuition for a nursing degree you can get in your state? My cousin went to community college in Pittsburgh and then got her BSN online at a cheaper school and makes the same salary as a Pitt nurse. And because I am a local, I can say this, Boston is a better city to live in.


The first priority for most nursing majors is a direct admit program; we don’t realize here in Pennsylvania that most states don’t have a plentitude of direct admit BSN programs like we do.

I am not sure about Massachusetts specifically. BC and Northeastern have direct admit nursing, but those aren’t easy admits.

Anyway, while I don’t disagree with your point from a financial perspective, some people want and can afford a typical college experience. If an in-state direct isn’t available and the applicant wants a 4-year college experience, out-of-state may be the only option.


Respectfully disagree about passing on Nursing at Pitt and about living here. I’m from Pittsburgh as well. Check us out, as the city has so much to offer. @caz0743 probably roots for the Pats , too, lol.

However, I do not know a think about Honors Nursing vs. Regular Pitt Nursing. Probably a question for the Nursing admissions people. Nursing at Pitt is fabulous and presitgious.


I’m with Winky1! We love visiting our daughter at Pitt. The bridges, rivers, neighborhoods, art museums, and restaurants are varied and fun. It’s a foodie town!! I can’t speak for nursing- my kid is in engineering. In BioEng the honors program has been useful for getting first dibs at class registration.


You are too funny! Pittsburgh does have awesome sports teams, I’ll give you that. I was born at Magee right in Oakland and raised in Pittsburgh but I have been to every state but 3 (Alaska, Louisiana and Maine) and lived in the Washington DC metro area for 6 years in my 30’s during the birth of my S19. The ONLY thing that brought us back here was to be closer to family with raising what became 3 kids and to help our elderly parents (whom some have passed). My husband is a commercial pilot so I see A LOT of the world and we will choose to leave Pittsburgh most likely in the next 2-4 years for a CLEANER (yes pollution IS a BIG problem, I’ve lobbied in DC before the EPA about it) warmer area.

As for Pitt nursing, of course it’s fabulous but so is Duquesne nursing etc. and CCAC and CCBC which then you continue on for BSN.

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I am with Winky1 too. Love both Pitt and Pittsburgh. H2P!


This is funny. I also own my own business and never took calculus. :rofl::joy:


Hello! My good friend’s child is in nursing at Pittt and is in honors.

Being in honors doesn’t seem to be a big deal, except you may get slightly nicer housing and an earlier choice for classes. My own kid is in at Pitt and didn’t seem to care about housing so how much that matters will depend on the individual.

However, I am pretty sure the nursing school isn’t going to let you NOT get a class you need so the early registration as an honors student might not matter.

I wouldn’t let the honors thing stop you. Pitt’s nursing program is top in the country!

Congrats on your acceptance!!


Admitted to Dietrich last night :+1:t2:


Yikes. That’s 10 weeks after moving to review- that is really a slow process. But congratulations!

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Just checked my son’s status after making the previous reply. Accept/Decline button finally showed up for Computer Engineering after 7 weeks about moving to review.


Does merit award sometimes take a very long time to come in? We were hoping my daughter would get at least a little merit aid, but it’s been a month since she received her acceptance and still no award. 1540 SAT, 4.6 GPA (4.0 unweighted), AP and honors courses and very good extracurriculars and leadership roles.


It seems to depend on the major. CS applicants have reported that it’s slow

Congrats to your daughter! Great stats! Hope you hear something soon.

Decision letter added to document portal overnight, 2 days after accept/decline admissions button showed.


My son applied in October. Said he would know by Christmas and we still haven’t heard.

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I wouldn’t interpret the delay as a bad sign. Your daughter’s profile is more impressive than my kid, who got the top merit scholarship for OOS applicants ($20K/yr).

Did your daughter apply to the honors college? If so, they might be considering her for an invitation to apply for the fancy Chancellor’s scholarship. If you’re in-state, they may also be considering her for a Stamps invitation.