University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

We are too. My son’s has been in review since Nov 9

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Same for mine

My son was admitted (engineering) on December 22 . . . I think it took just over 6 weeks from the time his application went to review.

Merit for CS has not been slow…its been virtually NON-EXISTENT. Accepted mid-October. 3.98/4.5, 1560, NMSF. Nothing

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Did your son apply to the honors college? If so, the delay might be due to considerations for the Chancellor’s scholarship invitations.

My daughter had similar stats two years ago… ended up with only $2000/year. She had been accepted mid October (only took about 10 days to be admitted) and heard back sometime in January re: merit. She is now at UPenn.


He did not. No honors college

I think that Pitt merit has always been a bit of a gray area. We knew that our youngest, now a freshman at Pitt, would not get merit due to GPA. Our middle kid went to Pitt (2020 grad) and she received merit back when there were clear thresholds of GPA & SAT/ACT scores.

However, while one might have been able to predict back then that middle kid would receive some merit, predicting amount was not really possible. She received full tuition, and a HS classmate with similar stats got $5K/yr (in-state). Maybe due to intended major, as middle kid indicated a major that wasn’t really popular, especially for women.

Good luck, and Pitt typically keeps giving out merit for another month or two, so hoping more kids will see merit soon.

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Well dang. It must be a CS thing. I know CS is competitive almost everywhere but that’s gotta be frustrating. Mine didn’t apply to honors college either, but applied engineering and his offer was fairly quick. It’s one thing to know that a decision/offer won’t come from a given school until spring, but it’s tough when other people get fall responses from a school and you don’t (for whatever reason).


My kids has similar stats, in state, got $5k/year. My guess is when people start to decline, it could free up $. My daughter has amazing offers elsewhere.

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We’re OOS. NOT expecting a full ride or anything. $10-15 would bring cost in line with most expensive public in-state option.


CS is such a tough admit for most schools and he should feel proud for the admission! I hope your kid gets that much merit. It is certainly normal for his stats according to the other posters on the thread although CS is that wildcard. I hope that the waiting doesn’t wear y’all down too much and/or sour him on Pitt. It sounds like it could be a wonderful option if it works out. Fingers crossed.


I’m in the same boat . . . my son already has some decent scholarship offers from comparable schools ($10K+ from Iowa and Minnesota), so I was hoping to hear something from Pitt. To date, no merit aid . . .


UMN YES!! Very generous. Unfortunately DS is being a baby and concerned about the cold. :blush:

Using the University of Pittsburgh - Net Price Calculator ( it shows around $5k in expected aid for DS based on stats we provided.

Until you get an official aid offer this might offer some insight. We put in campus accepted to, major, Class Rank, GPA, Test Scores and Fafsa EFC and it shows:

Your estimated grants and scholarships:
University of Pittsburgh Grants and Scholarships
Institutional Grant - $2,000
Pitt Institutional Grant 2 - $2,216
Total Grants and ScholarshipsClick for help $4,216

Declined offers typically don’t “free up” money. As with admissions, those who award merit have yield in mind when they make the offer. They count on some of it not being accepted.

People will continue to get merit awards, but it is highly unlikely that there will be a rush of merit late in the game.


As a test, I just tried that NPC with my son’s info. It gave an estimate of ~$6K in grants/scholarships. Changing intended major from engineering to CS did not affect the NPC estimate. His actual scholarship offer was for $20K. Not sure what that means about the NPC and/or the way that they determine merit aid offers.

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I guess we are not the only ones…We really were hoping for something and a bit surprised we haven’t heard by now. Pitt has always been his first choice OOS, accepted early Oct. Stats the same as others(and even those lower) have posted receiving merit. Chemistry major, lots of APs, DE, IB, NHS, French honors, tri m music honors etc…

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Perhaps the NPC is showing the minimum of what is offered based on the stats and your son was given additional scholarships based on other ECs/Clubs/etc.

has anyone heard of merit aid for the business school?