University of Rochester vs. Rochester Institute of Technology?

Hello! This is my first post, and I am having a dilemma concerning which college to choose. As the choosing process is winding down to a close, I am finding that my choices have narrowed to two colleges, with cost being the major concern between the two.

I am now having to make the decision between University of Rochester and Rochester Institute of Technology, and I need some assistance in determining this.

I am the recipient of an Air Force ROTC scholarship that starts taking place my sophomore year, which also makes this process a little more confusing. I will be expected to graduate in 4 years, so I won’t be able to participate in any programs that may extend my time of attendance at school. Also, if I go to U of R, I would still have to go to RIT in order to take my ROTC classes, since U of R does not host a detachment on campus. This is not very important, since the schools are literally 8 minutes apart by car, and my brother (whom is at U of R) has a car already. I would be able to take my major of choice at both schools.

With all costs taken into consideration, I could attend U of R for $44,000 in total, or to RIT for $8,000 in total.

I could further offset the costs at U of R, by living off campus after my freshman year or becoming an Resident Advisor, but this option is not available at RIT, where I would be required to live on campus and have a meal plan as part of ROTC.

Personally I prefer U of R, but I know that going to college for so little is a great opportunity. If I could have some input it would be very much appreciated.

You need to talk to an RIT adviser to determine if the Co-op requirement can be waived, or if your specific financial aid packages (ROTC) can be extended into a 5th year. Hard to believe that you would be the first ROTC student at RIT, so they may be able to accommodate you. Of course with excellent grades as you could be eligible for other grants etc. that could help with a 5th year. And remember, a co-op/ internship will pay you relatively well.

I suggest that you look at how much of the $44,000 for UR would be debt, and how much is paid for by yourself or your parents, etc… If your parents pay, would they expect you to pay them back?

Considering that you will be guaranteed a very good paying job as an Air Force officer (assuming you stay in AFROTC), you can afford some student debt.

Becoming a Resident Advisor at UR also sounds like a good idea for defraying the cost.

An RA typically gets free room (and maybe free board) and is typically a Jr. or Sr. so that suggests to me that it is worth $20k - $30k IF you are the right type of person to get selected.

What do you want to study? How effective is the career center for that major? Co-op program is a great way to get your foot in the door but U of R’s reputation towers over RIT’s - in most fields.

Haha! You cannot compare RIT with UofR. UofR is at least 1000 times better then RIT.

@masyerjacksonww Where are you getting that bullshit from? Have you been to either of these places, or are you just pulling this opinion out of your ass? They can’t be compared, not because one is “at least 1000 times better” than the other, but because they are different types of schools. RIT is mainly engineering/tech/fine arts (career oriented) while UR is more like a traditional college/university.