University of San Diego VERSUS Miami

<p>hey! okay i need serious help deciding....i already sent in my deposit to USD, but JUST got off UM waitlist so im sooo lost as to what to do!!! AHH i really wanted UM but i kinda distanced myself from it after not getting in regular, so what should I do, can someone convince me to UM?</p>

<p>Also haha, how does UM look at the end of the yr grades...because I kind of screwed it up royally, so how bad does it look/will they take back the offer after i send my deposit in??</p>

<p>okay THANK youuuuu!</p>

<p>I would chose UM over USD. Look at what the kids say on students review dot com and you can get a good idea of what each school is about. Have you visited both?</p>

<p>I chose UM over USD even though USD offered more money.</p>

<p>That site actually has some interesting feedback.</p>