University of San Francisco Fall 2023 Admissions

Starting a thread here for the 2023 Fall admissions.

Did anyone receive the email from USF : “ Start undeclared, discover the world “ ?

My daughter applied for Lib Arts with an English Major and is being asked to contemplate an undeclared major. Confusing!

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My daughter applied EA, but I don’t think she received such an email when she applied (she applied - I think - Poli Sci with expressed interest in their JD continuation program).

When are they planning to give decisions? We applied EA.

So far they’ve only said “end of January.” No date has been announced.


Any update on that admissions date?

My daughter said she saw on their TikTok that they’re shooting for Friday for EA decisions, but it’s not 100%.

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They’re now saying January 25th in the afternoon. We shall see!

Just received an email from USF stating that EA results will be announced on January 25th in the afternoon PT.


decisions are out

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No merit is mentioned in the letter. Has anyone gotten a scholarship?

Yes, we got some merit, but less than we had hoped.

My daughter got an amazingly personalized acceptance letter from the Admissions team, very impressed with the fact they not only read her personal statement but were moved by it.

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Yes, ours was very personalized, too - talked about very specific things she mentioned in her personal statement. It is impressive - imagine having to do that for every student they accept.

Crazy but very impressive!

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Do you realize we (you and I) are 90% of the commentators on this thread? Feels a bit like the ‘Last of Us’ TV series….

Spooky …

Are we the only ones left?

Daughter was accepted and received University Scholarship. :slight_smile: Was truly impressed by the fact that they called out several very specific things within her application, which made us feel they really care and take the time to review each individual.


Totally agree, same, and congrats on the scholarship

My daughter got accepted to USF with a University Scholarship as well! We are in the midwest, so this is really exciting! She was also accepted at Santa Clara with not as much scholarship $. Personalized letter referring to her essay!

Very cool.


We are Bay Area residents - let me know if you have any “local knowledge” questions :slight_smile: